
Was KAT bullying Darnell tonight .....???

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... by not leaving him alone..?? c'mon you know if it was the other way around and he was following her around the house ..... ☺




  1. Yes, very definitely.

    By refusing to leave him alone when he was begging to be left alone she was disrespecting his wishes and, therefore, bullying.

  2. I missed it tonight Doc...........I need A relevant link!!!!!!!

  3. kat bullying everyone with her singing............ she killed the fish remember?

  4. Yeh dont like the b**ch!

  5. Nooooooo...It wasnt bullying....

    BUT as you say if it had been the other way round...

    The Darnell Haters..would have jumped on the Bullying Bandwagon..

    YET AGAIN....

    I wish people would get this bullying thing into context...

    It does my head in.....

  6. ..I also think that if it was Sara doing what Kat did ... then everyone would think it was ok..☺

    DR bad

  7. h**l yes! I'm so fed up of people thinking she's so sweet and innocent! She's intelligent and conniving!

    Get Kat & Rex out!!

    Rex stirred that whole thing up by saying they had to choose one of them to go!

  8. Yes.

  9. Yes...Well not quite...She was aggravating him.

  10. All I can say is....Kat Dug Her Own Grave Last Night as far as I'm concerned Doc.....She sooooooo wanted Darnell to lose it big time last night and get him shafted out !!

  11. LOL at RMC ...................... also when Rex said to her you are bullying my ears with your singing pmsl

    Yeah if it had been the other way around Darnell would have been told off!!!  Even Mo told her not to talk to Darnell when he came out the diary room unless he came up to talk to her!!!  But as soon as he came out she was back through trying to talk to him!!!!

    Well done Darnell for keeping his cool for a change when he came out the diary room!!!

  12. Oh yes of course it was bullying are you mad?

    She intentionally kept up a sustained attack on Darnell, My God I bet there are countries that would love her as a weapon with that continual high pitched'd drop the SAS to their knees!  lol

    FFS if I hear someone moaning on about bullying again I'm going to reach down the broadband line and strangle someone!

    Pure and simple.............Darnell cracked a joke, Kat overreacted like the stupid, short @rsed little game playing cow that she is but you can bet your bottom dollar that some 10 yr old numpty will say yes it was bullying!


  13. Nah, more like winding him up like a spring and watching him go loco.  

  14. No, not really she just over-acted. She was very childish!

  15. she knows EXACTLY what shes doing


    how can you like a woman whos trying to take the entire public for a ride


    GET KAT THE h**l OUT contrived cow

  16. she is one kniving ******!!!!

    She knows just how to push his buttons, all the housemates are always saying that they think its Kat or Darnell to win, shes just trying to get him booted out

  17. No, she was not.

  18. Not bullying really - just keeping on..and on...and that whiny voice. Aaaahhh!

  19. Definition of Bullying:

    To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner.

    Does this sound like Kat?

  20. no actually, rex did not stir it up. rex didnt predict kat was going to cry . basically kat is like a child and needs to grow up like mario said. i dont know why she blamed darnell when mo also said the same thing.  

  21. Dings right Rex started it, Hes a s..t   S.....r..  its a nut house in there ,most of them are quite mad , Saras such a sweetie I hope she wins ,She dosent think she could ,I like that  

  22. yep, what a ******, don't think they'll be any Kat fans after tonights show doc, silly cow!

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