
Was Kemal Ata Turk Free Mason? Did He Attend Their Services?

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  1. He was not a freemason.

  2. sorry i dont know!

  3. I doubt there is any way to be absolutely certain, short asking the Freemason society itself if they would reveal that fact.

    However, Ataturk, arguably the greatest leader in modern history, exhibited all of the signs of a freemason while alive, meaning that he believed deeply that the fabric of a free nation was determined by the moral value of its people; and the separation of the religion of those people from the government of the country was paramount.  

    I would be interested if you find this answer; but beware of those stating they know.  For it is impossible to really know the truth short of the Masons themselves answering the question; since secrecy is the hallmark of the freemason movement.

    good luck.

  4. not according to information found on the Internet under the

    " famous Freemason " web site. you might want to google this site and see for yourself.

    as an aside Freemasons are not as secretive as many are led to believe.


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