
Was Kyle Busch at Fault?

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Was it kyle's fault for hitting Jr at Richmond or was it Jrs. Was it not even human error but the fact someone got loose? Nothing was going on between these drivers until the accident, so whats the verdict?




  1. To Jr fans of course. I'm not a Jr hater but it's CLEAR JR went to the bottom, right where Kyle was. It was an ACCIDENT. Why is it that JR admits it was an accident but his fans don't???????????????????????????

  2. Yes there is no doubt about it that Kyle took Jr. out by turning his wheels right into him it is on the TV you can watch it over and over

  3. Busch did it on purpose and he should have his butt kicked by Dale E.

  4. After watching the replay...if Scrub got loose, it sure wasn't evident.  Usually when someone gets loose, it is pretty obvious.  His tires were cut to the right ever so slightly.  Absolutely intentional.  NO question in my mind.

    He knew he could wreck Jr and not himself because Jr's car would stop his slide.

  5. Junebug himself has said it was not Kyle's fault, but BugHeadNation never lets the facts get in the way of their hatred.

  6. i also feel that it Kyle Busch's fault. i could not believe that happened, w/only a few laps to go. Jr was doing so well to.

  7. If you watch Kyles tires at the moment before he crashed JR it was just like the PIT maneuver the cops do to stop cars, he knew he was doing it.

  8. It was racing..and seriously, for all of the Jr fans out there let's listen to his OWN crew chief.

    Tony Eury Jr. even said that it looked as if Kyle just plum got loose. Why is it the driver and crew cheif can just admit it to it being a sucky sutation, but all of the fans have to have someone to blame?? Seriously, IT IS RACING!!!!

    Doesn't mean it doesn't suck..but he didn't do a  bump and run.

    With that being said it was just racing! Hard racing.. Boys going for a win like they used to do in the old school days. The win was all that mattered..and folks, that's racing old school style...and definitley something that we need to see again.

    With all of that being said, Jr could have gave him more room..and Busch could have backed off some..but than it wouldn't be going home giving it all you got.

  9. jr cut down on him and KYLE turned right enough to keep himself from getting wrecked. Hendrick got a lot more marketing when they got little e, but they sure didn't get a better driver. fox showed ONE replay from the rear view that showed jr. turning left. get over yourself jr. nation, your driver just ain't nothin special

  10. For all those who claim he turned right what do you do when you are skidding in your car? It is right in the drivers manual of your own state. You stear into your skid. So if his backend was climbing up the track he had no other option but to steer into the skid and turn right. Probably didn't help either that JR was side drafting and took some air off of his front end either. So it goes both ways get over it.

  11. shut the h**l up pjs whatever it was an racing accident And You People are jus mad cause Busch wins alot of race and JR doesn't get Squat no more!!1

    Thing about that

  12. Yes it was his fault, but it was an accident.  Kyle does not know his limits which makes him look like a genius a lot of times, and like an idiot a lot of other times.  He drove it in way too deep and he is lucky he didnt crash right along with the 88.

  13. Jr. seems to feel that it was not intentional.

    Good enough for me.


  14. Not according to Junior, and that's what really matters.

  15. I have heard that Kyle Busch acually dont like Dale Jr. I forget where i heard it but i did hear it. I was at the race but, i was in Turns 1 & 2 so i didnt get the best view. But i did see that kyle busch the whole race was driving WAY TOO HARD into the turns. every time he had to slam on the brakes to get turned. So there was one problem. It did look from when i got home and watched some replays that he may have been loose but when he went up the track i still believe there was ways he could have stopped the incident from happening. Because he still went up the track a good ways before even coming down. So i beleive it was both him getting loose and him wrecking Dale Earnhardt Jr.

  16. He did it on purpose. Everyone is saying it was just racing just to make Kyle look better rather than the selfish prick is really is. The night before he said he would wreck a driver to get a win.

  17. Yes, it's Busch's fault. If you taveled down a highway and hit someone like that, who do you think the trooper is giving the ticket to?

  18. I don't believe it was the fault of either of them.

    But if it was, I would actually say it was somewhat Juniors.

    From what I've heard and read, Junior cut low in the turn.

    They kind of merged together causing the original contact,

    then Kyle turned to the right. For what reason, I don't know.

    1. To purposely push Jr. into the wall so he would get the win; I doubt it. 2. Because he's short tempered and figured Junior came into him on purpose; possible. 3. To save himself from spinning out and also hitting the wall; I think so.

    It seems to me like this is what Kyle Busch haters have been waiting for, something that they really could put on Kyle so easily it would make him look like a terrible driver and person. And none better for it to happen to than Dale Earnhardt Junior.

    Bottom line is, KB haters will forever say it was Kyles fault.

    While Junior haters will say Jr. came down in the turn.

    But I'm neither, I don't like or dislike either one of them.

    I think it was good, hard racing. Just like it was meant to be,

    every single man for himself fighting as hard as they can to be the first one across the finish line. They both could have had it, they both wanted it. It was either one's game. We can't say it should have been Juniors. Nor can we say it should have been Kyles. WOULD it have been Kyles had that not happened, I think so. But that's not saying it should have been. Everybody needs to stop pointing the finger, stop picking favorites and watch it as an unbiased fan. It was a good race and nobody saw that coming. What's done is done, and I'm glad it happened.

    Black holes make me hot, that was sarcasm, right?

    Cuz I'll give you a thumbs up if it was.

  19. Busch was going to complete the pass on Dale, so he tried to pinch Busch down on the bottom. Dale had been running up higher for the last bunch of laps, but when Busch gets a nose out front, Dale tries to run a much lower line. No matter what, Earnhardt was not going to win that race.

  20. YES!!!!!! i was so pissed. and the commentators only made me madder. if you watch the replay, his wheel turned to the right, making Jr spin out and then his car jerked to the right in the middle of a left turn and he had to correct himself. SO AT FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought for sure Jr was gonna get fined for something.

  21. I will admit that I screamed and actually jumped off my chair when I saw what happened.  I was rather P.O.'d at Busch, but after further review...

    It really looked to me that neither of them were on the same line as they had been running.  Busch was higher, probably a product of running it into the corner harder and Jr. was lower, probably trying to block or hold Busch to a lower line so that he could get a better run off of the corner.  The crash was a product of both guys racing their brains out and neither giving an inch, which to me sounds like a racing incident.

  22. the only answers you will get for that here are the

    my opinions the only right ones

    i believe it was a racing incedent

  23. Once a point a time there was this race car driver named Dale Earnhardt Sr.... Back in that little world Sr would crash and run people into the wall at all cost. Fans of other drivers would have to sit and watch Earnhardt Sr. bash and beat their favorite drivers cars into oblivion Sunday after Sunday. One didn't really know where it was going to end. Almost 700 races ended with famous last words of a dead fool, "THAT'S RACIN"...

    s***w alot of Earnhardt. Sr would have been ready.... Jr is a f*g doing Micheal Waltrip behind the RV's... Dale Jr's favorite pickup line, "Micheal Waltrip, would you mind if I push in your stool?" Just like his dad used to say, THAT'S RACIN. Let me sing a little song, Lord I'm glad his dad is dead. I hope that in the end he also gets it through his head. He should just kill himself, go and follow his freakin dad. Earnhard Jr. go and hang yourself... I say hang himself because he couldn't drive a car into the wall and do it successfully.

    Lets hear about the time a couple years ago where Earnhardt Jr. drove into the pits 3 times during the 2nd race of the season with the BEER s***s. Then he dropped out because he was FEELIN BAD... Jr. was a racecar driver, his name is MUD.

  24. No it was not Kyles fault Jr. came down on him Kyle was there so if its any ones fault its Jr. he was desperate to win and took him self out and blamed it on Kyle.

  25. I don't know. I watched the re-runs and watched the re-runs and watched them AGAIN this morning. I can't tell. Obviously Junior starts to move toward the bottom of the track off the corner. Obviously Kyle Busch is right there. Did Kyle start to loose it and drift up into Junior? Maybe. Personally, it just looks to me like they were racing hard. Maybe it wasn't anyone's fault. I just can't tell for sure.

  26. i have a feeling if kyle had had contact with any other driver there would be no far as i saw, it did look like just hard racing but because it was "saint junior" (and i like junior) everyone is up in arms...time to move on...the lady in black is next on the list of tracks to tame...

  27. In my eyes it was just a racing deal and nothing more than that.

  28. Well I have watched it over and over and I have come to the conclusion that it was Shrubs fault.


  30. To all the people that say "it's one of those racing deals," why is Kyle involved in SO many of them?  Yes, it was not TOTALLY his fault, just MOSTLY!

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  31. According to the commentators, several articles I've read, and watching the replays, its a racing accident.  But facts don't mean a thing when Jr Nation believes what it wants to believe.  So Kyle did it on purpose, and Jr is the best thing that has ever happened to mankind.

    I was trying to be subtle with it, but yes

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