
Was Maradona better at drugs or football??

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Was Maradona better at drugs or football??




  1. How can you be good or bad at drugs????

  2. Better at football WHEN on DRUGS,

  3. Football.  If he was any good at drugs then he would have carried on playing legendary football but he was rubbish at drugs cos they just made him fat!!  He was meant to have been a bit partial to the ole Columbian Army marching powder which should have technically made him even better at football.  That extra yard of pace and enhanced emotion should have made him the undisputed legend of football (had he not got tested +ve and turned a bit Rick Waller)! Thus making him better at football not drugs.

    A thnkyou!

  4. The best footballer I ever saw. Best and Pele were before my time

  5. LOL top one man, maradona was a great football player but also a top drug taker a pity really.

  6. the drugs may have turned him into a fat pie but this clip shows that he is still pretty handy (no pun intended) with a football although it also shows he is still a cheat, what a dive!

  7. Football.

  8. none the clown what a waste

  9. he is best at HANDball

  10. He's been on drugs longer than he played.

  11. That's a stupid question.

    Football, though Pele, Puskas and Georgie Best were better.  Nevertheless, he was still a good player.

    How much coke did Robbie Fowler snort then?

  12. Football, it payed for the drugs, not the other way round :)

  13. LMAO he wasn t so good at the drugs he kept getting caught

  14. Drugs..

  15. stupid question

  16. Ridicoulous & immature question

  17. He was pretty handy at both....white lines in both huh =]

  18. pretty great footballer, especially considering he's built like a bowling ball.

  19. He had a real talent for cheating.

    This is common in football and drugs.

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