
Was Martin Luther a prophet?

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Mohammed started a new religion...he was a prophet because God spoke to him. Did God speak to Martin Luther (and his fellow "reformers") when he started Protestantism? And does this make him a prophet?




  1. No prophets since Jesus Christ. He was a Christian...

  2. No Martin Luther was No Prophet or inspired by God in any way!.

  3. no. mohammed is not a prophet either because god didnt speak to either of them.

  4. Jesus was a Christian, he wore a cross necklace and ate a communion wafer every day.

  5. No he was no prophet.

    He did believe in the Eucharist and he Believed Mary was the Queen of Heaven and born without sin, and she remained a pure virgin.

    I think if he saw today's results he would cry out HERESY



  7. ok first let us start by clarifying what u mean by prophet prophet can mean 2 things

    1 to be inspired by God to tell His word such as daniel moses etc

    2 to teach God's word such as a pastor

    number 2 on the list is self explanatory and if this is what u mean then yes it is possible as long as he taught God's word as it is written with noting added or left out

    number 1 is also self explanatory however the bible is very clear that there would be no prophets after john the baptist. he would "pave" the way for Christ to come and would prophecy about His coming

    this is the very reason Christ said in mark 13:23 behold I have foretold you all things He means all the prophets have come and told u the word of God and He has been here to speak the word of God no more need be told ALL things have been foretold not some things but all there are precisely 0 prophets that have been born after Christ 0 were needed 0 were sent  do not be deceived many shall come in My (Christ's) name but I did not sent them so if u are asking if Martin Luther was a prophet like Moses or Danial ot John the Baptist then absolutely positively not

  8. Luther didn't start a new religion, he reformed an old one.

  9. Martin Luther was a Jew hater and lunatic.  

  10. NO How could you think such a man is a prophet when he was a profound anti semite  and Hitler got his ideas from him  To his credit he did start a great religion

  11. No, he was someone who started a religious movement--protestantism--that had legitimate grievances against the catholic church at the time, but has since become a useless intellectually bankrupt denomination that has managed to get people to equate christianity with the idea that dinosaurs and humans lived together.

    PS -- There are no prophets, there have never been any prophets, and there never will be any prophets.  Anyone who claims to speak directly to god is either delusional or a liar.

  12. Mohammad started a new false religion because he was a false prophet.

    Martin Luther never claimed that God spoke to him except thru the Bible.

    Luther discovered the Bible severely disagreed with the practices and teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.  And he preached about the problem.

    That does not make him a prophet any more than to say any other Pastor is a prophet.

  13. In a way he was

    In order for a religion to survive it needs many revised versions. Martin Luther made his own version of Christianity and helped it live on

  14. Martin Luther was NO prophet. He was simply a man. Through devoted study of the Bible he discovered many things Roman Catholicism taught were not in the Bible, or were contrary to the teachings of Scripture. From the start, Luther, as a Catholic monk, sought to bring reform to the Catholic church, but the pope would have none of it. To acknowledge that there was error in Catholic teaching would be like opening a can of worms. Where to start to correct the teaching and where to stop.

    God clearly opened the eyes of Martin Luther and the eyes of other reformers by revealing the truths in His Word. This did not make Luther a prophet, just a man who would be greatly used of God.

  15. No, Martin Luther was not a prophet, nor did he start a new religion.  He was just Father Martin, a priest and teacher who turned out to be an important player at a pivotal moment in the history of the Church.  His teachings were not new, but were the outcome of a conflict that had been building in the Catholic Church for a long time.

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