
Was McCain's VP pick psychological?

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Deep down, does he really want Obama to win? I think McCain just handed the election to Obama.




  1. Anything that makes people think is psychological. But I agree, his pick is not what the undecided voters were looking for.

  2. i dont think mccain wants obama to win lol but he sure as h**l just handed the election to him haha


  3. No.  

  4. Absolutely, but he doesn't realize he just pooped on his chances.

    He chose a woman with no experience, who doesn't believe in womens' rights, doesn't think s*x ed. should be taught in school, doesn't think birth control should be legal, and doesn't believe in equal pay for women. And yet, he thinks Hillary Clinton supporters will vote for him because Palin has a v****a. It's beyond ridiculous.

  5. More like physiological.  She's a milf.

  6. No, dumb


  7. I think he heard she was a beauty queen & he is an emotionally impulsive man so he has a new beauty queen. This has been the only thing he has had to do that required any thought. He has hid most of the time then blamed the media for not covering him. I think he wants to win but finding somoene who is under investigation for abuse of power is what they want in the group he is in. They believe in the idiots that vote for them.

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