
Was McCain's choice of a young woman as V.P, an insincere & tricky choice, only to lure HRC supporters?

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FIRST OF ALL, I'M 100% SURE THIS IS A COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE QUESTION, AND IT IS POLITICALLY CORRECT IN ITS ENTIRETY. I genuinely want to get some feedback on this, especially from independents unattached to either Obama, McCain or Clinton. I HOPE YAHOO! ANSWERS DOESN'T DELETE IT BECAUSE OF SOME UNSUBSTANTIATED COMPLAINT FROM A MCCAIN/HILLARY SUPPORTER, who can't handle other people's opinions, like they had done before.

Now to my question


Before you answer, think about this:

1) Most Hillary supporters are even madder at Obama now, because he didn't choose Clinton as V.P., nor any other woman. "Curiously" and against all odds, McCain chooses a woman as V.P.

2) Obama is too young, cool, good-looking and exciting compared to McCain, and he picked an old-timer with lots of experience (Biden), very similar to McCain himself, as V.P. "Curiously" and conveniently, McCain chooses a very young person (at least compared to him) as V.P., ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME AGE AS OBAMA, also good-looking and equally inexperienced (governor of Alaska.for a couple of years, great experience, right?).

All this sounds like a VERY INSINCERE AND HYPOCRITICAL attempt of McCain, to take most Hillary supporters from Obama, saying: "My friends" Here's what Obama didn't want to give you, I give it to you. If I die in office --which is not very far-fetched, BTW--, there you go, here's your young, good-looking, totally inexperienced woman V.P., to replace me. How do you like them apples, Obama?

MCCAIN IS AN IDIOT. BY SELECTING THIS PERSON (I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER NAME) AS V.P. HE JUST MADE A MOCKERY OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. OFFICE. Even if she blindly supports him on his off-shore drilling "solution", to do it freely in her state, that's no legitimate reason to choose her as his V.P. This ridiculous choice is a clear sign that McCain is getting more and more senile. He clearly picked her just to spite Obama, ignoring the great damage a choice like this does to the country. Bottom line: after his pathetic V.P,. choice, anyone voting McCain should be sent to a mental institution.




  1. Nope.  He's more of a genius than I gave him credit for.

  2. I give Hillary supporters, and Women in general, more credit than that.  They are supposed to vote for her because she's female and young and inexperienced?  That's just absurd. I think most people will look at her stances on the issue.  And Pallin and Clinton are about as far apart as you can get.

  3. Yes, but nice ta tas.

    And she love the oil companies.

    in fact, her husband is an oil production operator for BP on Alaska's North Slope). She said earlier this week, "When I look every day, the big oil company's building is right out there next to me, and it's quite a reminder that we should have mutually beneficial relationships with the oil industry."

    She is the perfect Cheney replacement!

  4. I am not a Mcain supporter. I would have voted for him only grudgingly.  Sara Baracuda was a brilliant choice. There might be some Hillary supporters who will change their vote for her but that does'nt matter. What this pick does completely and entirely energizes conservatives. They will now walk through fire to elect this ticket.

  5. McCain will win in 08 with Gov Palin

    McCain in 08  

  6. Yes. I'd like to clear one thing up, though. I was a Hillary supporter but I am not upset with Obama. I would have loved it if Hillary was VP, BUT if he had picked her everyone would be saying he only did it to win. They would all over him. he picked who he thought was best for the country and for the ticket. It's his choice.  

  7. Before I answer this, here' s a thought:

    "Millions of Americans far and wide are tuning into Obama's every word and every move."

    Now, what was the question?

    Turnout was 85,000 people, not to mention millions tuned in via television. For crying out loud, the whole friggin world was watching, across twenty satellites. (Worldwide coverage)

  8. You surely don't know your history of the American Presidents and Vice Presidents. You are also clearly 100% in the Obama camp which makes it difficult for you to look at this without bias.

    Obama as a first term US Senator has little experience and no foreign affairs experience so he had to pick a VP who has experience when we are in the midst of a war and economic problems at home. Also, prior to his announcing he was running for president many people had no idea who was Obama.

    So its very hypocritical to complain about Palin's lack of experience and being unknown without mentioning that Obama lacks experience too and was unknown too prior to his running for office.

    Also, whose to say Obama won't die in office too (people of all ages die every day) so that argument doesn't work either. Just because he is 72 doesn't mean he is a walking time bomb.

  9. Amen...

  10. You mean like Obama saying he'd consider Hillary for VP then not doing it or Hillary and Bill making some contrived speech in support of Obama?  

    No it wasn't.  It was a great political maneuver for many reasons, the woman's vote being one of them.  But tricky, no.   She at least actually supports McCain.

  11. That was the only reason he chose her.  But unfortunately for Republicans, calling Obama inexperienced is off the table.

  12. if you cant see that its to lure HRC gotta be dumb and in denial.

  13. No. That is what I thought when I first heard about the choice, but listen what she says and what she has done. This was a great way to motivate the conservative base. I do not mean the Neo Cons.  

  14. You're ranting, not asking questions.  You wanted to say something, so you formed it into a question and then answered it with a big long anecdotal rant.

  15. No.  It's smarter than you think.

    She brings more foreign negotiating experience to the table than Senator Obama, as the Governor of Alaska routinely deals with Canada and Russia on issues like trade, oil, fishing rights, and transportation, among others.

    This also forces Senator Biden into the role of having to defend the Democrats energy policy, which is not his strength.

    Senator McCain made a brilliant choice.  Not everyone knows it yet though.

  16. whatever the reason, it's an excellent pick.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  17. Why is it you people think that its no he chose it to 1)excite his base and 2) to attrack women Independence not just HRC supporters....

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