
Was McCain Thinking About Warming the Globe by Picking Palin Since Her Home is a Long Haul from DC?

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Was McCain Thinking About Warming the Globe by Picking Palin Since Her Home is a Long Haul from DC?




  1. Someone how is an avid outdoorswomen. Hunters do care about the environment that is a fact as we are stewards of the land.

    She was on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and she later resigned when she found out how corrupt they where. She exposed the people many from her own party.

    She has been working on a natural gas pipeline to make natural gas cheaper to the customers.

    What has Obama done in the same time frame? Most of the issues he has just voted present. He also has just talked about renenwable energy.  

  2. Your home used to be owned by Russia...

  3. I don't get it.

  4. lmao.. good persepective never thought of that

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