
Was McCain right about picking Sarah?

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The whole reason was to take the attention off Obama and also himself. By reading Yahoo answers I must admit it worked...before her all the questions were either pro or anti Obama...but now almost every question is about Sarah Palin and I haven't read the word McBush in awhile..people are attacking her instead...and picking through her background...when they should be doing it to McCain (not sexist and dont hate babies with down syndrome...just voting for Obama)




  1. Compared to picking Joe Liberman a democrat, you dang right it is a better pick.

  2. Come on now tell the truth your voting for him only because he's black. I don't know where you have been looking but everywhere I read it's been pro Sarah Palin.  [ Even on answers ] Sarah is a great pick for VP and I'm very happy of McCains smart choice. She is a very smart and hard working women. She has a great record. I will proudly vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

  3. No it was a stupid dumb choice. A woman can't win. Obama was smart not to pick Hillary becuase a woman can't get it done as VP! VOTE OBAMA! VOTE OBAMA! OBAMA WILL GET US BETTER JOBS! VOTE OBAMA

  4. he picked her because she is the hottest governor in the nation and he has a hot mommy fetish

  5. That libs wasted no time attacking her shows she was the right choice.

  6. Oh, clearly.  McCain has been a Senator for 22 years and NEVER, not once, has he added an earmark to legislation.

    Sarah Palin is apparently a highly ethical individual who will not even let Republicans get away with unethical conduct.  Something Democrats ought to try to emulate!

    Mrs.Palin may be a little shy on experience for the Presidency, but she isn't running for President, only VP.  It makes a lot more sense to get OJT as VP than it does as President!  Obama is only 1 of 100 Senators.  His votes are equal to 1% influence in that body.  The Governor of a state is the final executive authority, so her experience should be worth about 100 times what Obama's is.

    NOW, Democrats are going to have a hard time convincing anyone that they really care about women's issues!

    I didn't think McCain was that smart.

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