
Was McCains VP choice sexist?

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He chooses her after many Hillary Clinton supporters showed interest into moving towards McCain. McCain also made TV ads specifically aimed at Hillary Clinton supporters.

And now he picks a very inexperienced woman over all the experienced Republicans all over America.

It seems to me that this was rather sexist, choosing a VP he never met purely because she is a woman.

What do you think?




  1. Im just gonna give my opinion. And my high school just started and my social studies teacher is so smart about the election. He even shook hands with 5 of the presidents. Sweet!!!

    Palin is a nobody to me. Since Hilary is gone Women would probably have to go with Obama but McCain is trying to steal the women's votes. Palin is from Alaska and comes from a small town and she is the govenor. She is the second vice president. The first one was a few years ago like 1990s. Alaska is a big state but the popullation is little. There are more people in the bronx. The bronx is a city in new York. I live right by it.

    Also the reason Obama picked Joe Baden was because Joe would fill all the spots Obama had no experience in. Obama has been only in the political world for a year and maybe a half. Thats it! And even if we do vote. We are only voting popular. Its the electoral college that elects the president. Its a race to 270. Whoever gets 270 wins. So you have to get the states like mine New York which has 33 and California which has 54. I could care less about McCain's schemes. Everyone knows that Obama is good. McCain may have experiece, but Obama's my man.

    If this is wrong dont blame me plz. My SS teacher told me all this.  

  2. She has WAY MORE EXPERIENCE than Obama does!

    McCain has had her on his list for VP many months!  

    He would have picked her regardless cause she is AWESOME!

    Democrat for McCain!

    Palin ROCKS


    Obama is GOOD friends with BILL BOMBER AYERS!- YUCK!

  3. No, but Obama not picking Hillary was sexist.  

  4. I think his choice is very sexist. He chose her because he things those of us women who voted for Hilary only did so because she was a woman and he thinks we are bimbos and would vote for any woman. He is going to find out how wrong he was. We have firm beleifs and Palin does not fit into those beliefs. I am a feminist to the core but even I believe Palin should be taking care of her special needs and pregnant children and wait until her responsibilities to her family have been reduced before leaving them behind while she travels the country trying to become something she isnt ready for. She is a very selfish stupid woman.

  5. I am not sure "Sexist" is the right word. Definitely idiotic. God help us all.  

  6. Well, Obama choose an old white guy as his running mate so would that mean he is trying to take McCain supporters? It could be called "agist" I guess.

    But no I don't think its sexist.


    BTW, you don't live in the US so why do you care? I'm being serious.

  7. its pretty obvious experience isnt a prerequisite in this election.

    and to be honest, there is no such thing as experience when becoming President of the USA. you can be in the senate 20 years blah blah, but until you take control of the entire vast nation, 24/7, you will have no idea what to expect.

  8. If his reason was because she was a woman, or because of her looks, then yes. If he sincerely feels that she is the best candidate for the position, then no. But either way, I seriously question his judgement. I know of at least four female Republicans who would have been better choices.

  9. More than likely they had s*x together, she hides it, he makes it up for her, picks her as VP, she tries to look good, 8 more years of republic c**p, she WAS Ms. Alaska, and a Governor in Alaska, man McCain, you shouldn't have been drilling in Alaska.

  10. When his checklist consisted of "Has a v****a?"...yeah a little bit sexist.

  11. It was totally sexist but he knew he could spin it so that any critics looked sexist themselves. And he knew that she would be "bulletproof" because no one would dare criticize the mother of a retarded baby. And if they did he could spin it as being cruel and low.

    Probably thinks he is being pretty clever when he is really just being a foolish old man.

  12. didn't we already establish this....YES.

  13. He chose her because she does not have totally the same views as him.  That is the key to winning a Presidential election.

    For example,  Abraham Lincoln who was a liberal chose a conservative for his VP choice, Andrew Johnson, to appeal to more people.  If you have two liberals running then that will appeal to less people.


    Abraham Lincoln: Emancipation Proclamation- Liberal= wanted change but not so drastically that he would become a radical.  He only freed the slaves in the confederate states and not the border states.

    Andrew Johnson:  After Lincoln was assassinated he  became President.  Andrew Johnson vetoed everything congress threw at him.= conservative.  He got congress so mad at him, they found a way to impeach him and was only one vote away from getting thrown out of office.

    If he picks someone that thinks totally alike him, then he will appeal to a smaller crowd, therefore giving him less votes.

    Picking Palin was not a sexist choice, but rather a very smart choice on his part.

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