
Was Michelle effective at portraying herself, her family, and Obama, as being admirable people?

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Was Michelle effective at portraying herself, her family, and Obama, as being admirable people?




  1. Her speech writers know how gullable the obama's followers are.  

  2. Let's just say Cindy McCain cannot touch her. Hands down.

    My roommates and I watched in awe. At that particular time they portrayed the perfect American family: A loving mother, a devoted wife, and a great role model. She showed how relatable she and Obama are to the avg. American family.

    Great job!  

  3. Key word "portray" with the right speech writer and a good teleprompter (notice she kept coming back to center) and knowing that all of America is watching anyone can be anything.  I personally say a woman forced to say things that almost made her puke.  What she said in no way portrays Their true feelings, and they have proved this over the last twenty years.  If a crackhead has been clean a few months you going to trust them?  No thanks.

    And I find it funny that once a racist, anti-American parades his I will admit very cute little girls in front of some people all is wonderful in Obamaville.  I wonder when I can not pay his taxes can I pull out my son and all is ok?

    McCain by default.

  4. She is one of the most effective speakers I have ever seen.  I hung on to everyword, crying at times.  Rarely, am I as moved as I was listening to her rendition of the Obama past to present.

  5. I think that she did an excellent job of lying.

  6. Yes, It was a very heartfelt and thoughtful intelligent speech. Something the Bush clan is incapable of. The Bush clan could never be or even portray themselves as admirable.  People may have forgotten what it means by now.

  7. To me she was and I'm a skeptic, not an Obama supporter. She was charming, composed, dignified, on message and likable.  The interaction with Barack and the little girls at the end definitely broke my last resistance making me effectively like Obama something that hasn't happened in a while.

    Her daughters were the real stars though, so cute and totally unscripted, a rarity in American politics

    "What city are you in daddy?", that were heartwarming images and enough to make this old cynic smile

  8. She has my undying admiration. I cannot imagine what its like to be thrust in the spotlight like that and give an awesome speech with millions watching! She did GREAT! And those little girls are adorable.

    Would it be refreshing to have well-behaved kids in the WH instead of those 2 drunken s****s we have now?

  9. That depends on which side of the fence you're on.  If you're an Obama supporter, of course it sounded great.  If you're not, it was nothing more that a rah, rah fest.  She's admittedly a good speaker, but did she pick up more votes from the opposition?  I seriously have my doubts.  It didn't work for me.

  10. no way in h**l would I believe this racist,America hater when she opens her lying mouth.

    did i mention she is a LYING lawyer?

  11. Yes, I think they would make for a fine and decent First Family of which we can all be proud.

  12. I thought Michelle was very warm and informative. She came off as a mother and a wife, and she looked good too. I thought her brother spoke too long, but besides that, the first day of the convention was overall good. What hypes me up is nothing she couldcr said would change the minds of those racist and cynics who abandon their values when their own guy makes a gaff, but when Obama is on point, gracious, and even complimentary towards his opponents, he still gets bashed. Mccain forany even know how rich he ow his wife is. And furthermOre he's a leech and a pimp. But none of you Obama haters would ever admit that.  

  13. She sure did!

    Of course some people will still say that a speech doesn't matter but somehow they will insist that a single paper she wrote in college over a quarter century ago which they haven't even read means she is some horrible person.

    Stupidcaucasian has an appropriate name and doesn't know what a carpetbagger is.

    EDIT: HA HA this answer was deleted for "insulting another member" but I appealed and it was restored!

  14. No, but she was good as portraying herself as the latest carpetbagger to aim for 1660 Pennsylvania Avenue, D.C..

    Edit: IP...carpetbaggers was the term southerners gave to northerners who moved to the South....Illinois to Virginia....the definition fits.

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