
Was Mosulini a dicator in Italy?

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Was Mosulini a dicator in Italy?




  1. if u mean dictator...yes,he was

  2. No he was never a dicator. A dictator yes, but never a dicator!!

  3. Benito Mussolini was Prime Minister and then Duce (Supreme Leader) of Italy from 1922 to 1942.

    After the Fascist Revolution (March on Rome), king Vittorio Emanuele III asked him to form a new government (1922).

    In general election of 1924 Fascists were alleged of fraud and in 1926 Govt enhanced Leggi Fascistissime (Really Fascist Laws) banning all political parties, suppressing fundamental liberties and substituting the Counseil Of Ministers with the Great Counseil of Fascism.

    From 1934-1936, Italy conquered its colony of Ethiopia and Society of Nations imposed an embargo to my country.

    In 1938 a pact (anti-Comintern then Iron Pact) was signed by Italy, Germany and Japan.

    Italy tried to avoid its involvement in the WW2, but in 1940 delared war to France and Uk (in 1941 to the SSSR and US).

    In 1942 a extraordinary reunion of the Great Counseil of Fascism, removed Mussolini from his seat and he was sent to prison. Marshall Badoglio (loyal to the monarchy) took his place as head of the government.

    In 1943 an armistice was signed by representatives of Italy and western Allies. Part of italian troops joined the Allies

    In the same year Mussolini was freed by a German commando and taken first to Berlin to meet Hitler and then back to Italy where he created the Italian Social Republic (a puppet state of Germany) and its military was involved in anti-partisan operations.

    In 1945, when German and Fascists forces in Northern Italy collapsed, Mussolini tried to escape to Swizerland but he was captured by a division of the National Liberation Committee, he was got to a trial and condamned to death.

    His body was exposed and left to the anger of people in Piazzale Loreto in Milan.

  4. Mussolini was a fascist dictator in Italy during and before wwII

  5. No, Mosulini is the name of the new Ken... Barbie's boyfriend!

  6. yes he was before and during ww2 but was killed during the war by his own people

  7. hi! i'm italian. mussolini was an italian dictator during the 2 world war that formed an alleance whit hitler.

  8. yes..the first guy summed it up pretty well!!

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