
Was NASA's Dr. James Hansen among the "few guys with bad data" who believed in global cooling?

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  1. Good find Randall.  

    I feel somewhat vindicated by calling Hansen a political hack in the past though it is so obvious I can't feel too prophetic.  I remember Dana jumping through hoops of contorted logic arguing that the cool period we experienced in the 1970s was due to sulfur emissions which thanks to leftist intervention was reduced and then global warming was allowed to resume it dangerous path.

    I don't even know how Hasen could show his face or have the gall to present the same arguments (i.e petroleum is causing climate change) but now it is causing warming, but I guess that fits the definition of a political hack.

  2. Oh yeah, is a reliable source for scientific data! [end sarcasm]  Don't you realize that articles like that are written by people with a vested interest in continuing with business as usual no matter how much damage it does?  Of course they're going to try to discredit the scientists, no matter how compelling the evidence is.  They want to be free to continue polluting.

  3. No.  If you read the article, you would know that.

    "The Post reported that Rasool, writing in Science, argued that in "the next 50 years" fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun's rays that the Earth's average temperature could fall by six degrees.

    Sustained emissions over five to 10 years, Rasool claimed, "could be sufficient to trigger an ice age."

    Aiding Rasool's research, the Post reported, was a "computer program developed by Dr. James Hansen,"

    a) Human aerosol emissions decreased, so the scenario for global cooling didn't happen.

    b) If you input an incorrect assumption into a model (i.e. continually increasing aerosol emissions), it's going to give the wrong result.

    c) Hansen simply helped develop the program.  He didn't input the data and assumptions, nor did he endorse the conclusions.

    Next time try reading the article and you won't have to ask these kinds of questions.

    Your link doesn't support your claim.  Human SO2 emissions worldwide - see page 12:

    I love jim z's answer.  A man who wrote a climate computer program in the 1970s, who's been one of the world's foremost climate scientists for several decades, who accurately modeled the subsequent warming 20 years ago...he's a political hack because...well, apparently because jim z says so.  LOL!

    Oh and I also love how explaining the well-known causes of the 1940-1970 minor cooling requires "jumping through hoops of contorted logic".  Apparently basic physics (aerosols block sunlight and thus cause cooling) is contorted logic.  LOL!

    Gee, let me guess which answer you're going to choose as best.  I hope you pick the funny one.  LOL!

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