
Was Noah's flood global or local?

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When one examines the biblical passages, it is clear that the flood was global. Genesis 7:11 states that "all of the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."




  1. Surely you're kidding, you are, right?  You don't seriously believe that story, do you?

  2. Global. Are you sure you are a pastor?

    GOD bless

  3. I am not a geoligist but I do have common sense. The Biblical flood although warned about to Noah in the middle east obviously covered the entire earth. I say this because of the fossil record. I live in central Texas and this area is literally littered with sea fossils (shellfish, fish, and aquatic plantlife.) I have also traveled many states where I find very similar evidence.

  4. if it wiped out everything then it was obviously global!

  5. who is Noah? And why did he m********e that much?

  6. Global.

  7. The story most likely came about due to local flooding.

    The story of Noah is so obviously flawed it's not even worthy of debate.


  9. There has never been a time when the entire Earth was covered with water.

    Noah and his ark are myths.  

  10. global

  11. "God saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. So God saw the earth and, look! it was ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth.”—Genesis 6:5, 12. sounds global to me.

  12. local caused by a volcanic eruption of vesuvius

  13. A global flood is impossible for a variety of reasons, ex. a water world would have a high enough humidity to suffocate all life.

    It was probably a local flood that was exaggerated over time.

  14. it was a global flood.  

  15. global, it supposedly changed the whole earth, continents moved, etc.

  16. Global.

    Why build an ark that size and go to all that trouble for a local flood?

    Why not travel on down the road where I'm sure there were plenty of other animals also?

  17. Local.  

  18. i don't know.  i wasn't there.  evan's was local.

  19. I believe global, but many think it was local. It is OK to disagree. It does not have anything to do with our salvation

  20. It was local to the planet but global in extent.

  21. local

  22. I believe it was a local flood that most likely, at the most, covered just one continent.

  23. Fictional.

  24. No one truly knows.  In most cultures' folklore, there are stories of great floods.  I'm sure it happened often (look at how many floods we have today!).  For the writers of the bible, their immediate area was their entire world.  Most of them probably didn't even realize there was a world outside the desert, so I'm sure if it flooded, it would have been considered global.

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