
Was Obama's speech a masterpiece?

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I think he addressed every Fox news fallacy tonight. All one need do is turn to youtube. Wow what a speech. I've never seen anything like that honestly.




  1. He made me vomit in my mouth.  

  2. He said the things that needed to be said.

  3. It was awesome, almost brought a tear... It's about time...  

  4. No not really sounded like every other nominated candidate speech at the DNC. Nothing new.

  5. It was magnificent.

    You're right he did what he needed to do and more.

    I'm ready to cast my vote even more now.

    Obama '08

  6. No.  He's a politician and he has speech writers.  Wait till he has to leave the teleprompter behind.. Then he sounds like Porky Pig.  

  7. Not hardly. BO went out to corral more voters by the usual ultra-liberal "flip-flop" strategy. What the grinning and frenzied dem zealots were anxious to overlook was that he basically decided to continue most of  Bush's supposedly "failed policy". You guys really need to evaluate what the overly-rehearsed ward politician from Chicago actually delivered via his beloved teleprompter. If you'll remember correctly, his VP choice said BO "was not experienced enough and did not have the credentials for the position" only months ago. I guess time (and ensuing power) has caused a change of heart? As far as most of us are concerned, BO offered empty promises and false hope to all of us. Look beyond the scripted sermon and fancy window-dressing. His plans come at a hefty price tag at a time when we need to be rebuilding our economy and creating jobs. BO is just another of the "tax and spend" libs we have grown so used to over the years. Approach with cautious optimism my friend.

  8. obama said it so yes

  9. IT WAS AMAZING!!! it definatley will change the americans who were on- the -fence about who to vote for to vote for obama!

  10. Absolutely outstanding.

    It's so tragic to see how many people here are happy with the way things are going. Let's see McCain and his teleprompter/parchment paper script do next week trying to sell the American people on 4 more years.

  11. No

  12. Without a doubt a great speech.  Only problem is, how will he pay for all the things he plans to do?  He certainly made it clear on what grounds he differs from McCain but it would've been stronger if he picked an example of a family which was struggling and "explain" exactly how it is that he will help such examples.  

  13. It was a great speech and he did everything you said regarding FOX and right winged fallacies.

    It never ceases to amaze me at the number of people that have been brain washed by the propaganda from the right.  some of the responders to your question are proof of that.

  14. Wow, what a bunch of hooey from you though.

  15. He covered everything.

    This man will fix our country.

  16. Yes it was. The RNC will be highly anti-climatic in comparison.

    McCains got nothin'. Oh did you know he is a former POW.

  17. I grew up looking a pictures of little black girls getting spit on for trying to go to school, the fifteen minutes of TV news back then showed cops setting dogs on men and women for wanting what we all wanted, human dignity. I remember marches and praying, deaths and burnings of churches.  I don't care what party you follow, if you are an American, and you remember those days, you are in awe of how far we've come, that a black man could say that he accepts the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

    Years ago, with those little girls refused admission to an all white school, with Rosa Parks not getting to the back of the bus, with National Guard called out on fine September mornings so American could go to school with American, with all that has passed its come to this.  It almost didn't matter what he said, although it was good, it marked and ending to something I had watched from my earliest years.

    God willing I will live long enough to see a woman utter those same words.

    For those of you who wonder how he intends to pay for it, hes got it on his website, as he mentioned in his speech.

  18. Pretty impressive but it was like any other speech throughout election history...

    end tax breaks for big corporations, help middle class go to college, bring america change and guide the country in a new direction, etc. What direction though? Fixing the problems that all the other past presidents promised to fix and never did or creating more problems to go with the already rapid amount of problems in existence? Guide America in which direction?? Towards world government and world law and adapting the same self-destructive policies that got america in this predicament or bringing America away from world fascism and restoring freedom?

  19. It really was a great speech.  First off, it was delivered beautifully, with the exception of a few stumbles toward the end.  Nobody gives a speech better than Obama.

    Secondly, the content was really good.  He hit on all the key points - renewable energy, climate change, universal health care, education, Iraq, bin Laden, etc.  All areas where Obama has McCain beat.

    The one problem I had with the content was that he brought up a couple of poor energy choices.  One was clean coal and I forgot the other...maybe increasing natural gas or something.  But he also talked about renewable energy.  I think clean coal is more an effort to get conservatives on board than anything.

    Overall, definitely a great speech.  The whole time he was speaking I was thinking "wow, could we really elect freaking McCain over this guy?".  I can't believe this election is even close.  If McCain somehow manages to win this election, I'm going to be so disillusioned with this country.  But if Obama wins, I'll be equally proud of it.  He's the best major party candidate we've seen at least since JFK.

  20. Basically Obama said throw money at every social issue we have and everything will be a great paradise for all.

    Problem is - I think our crop of money tress got wiped out by drought.

    We need incentives for people to work and create business - not reward them for inactivity and irresponsibility.

  21. It was a piece of something, alright.

  22. I am glad he attacked the GOP lying, I mean, talking points.

  23. Was he led on stage by Matthew , Mark, Luke and John?

    Did he walk across a pool in a FUBU robe?

    What happened?  

  24. I miss Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

  25. I think he read the teleprompter quite nicely in a controlled environment. Should be interesting to see how he reacts in the real world in the next couple of months when he has to face McCain in debates and actually has to answer unscripted questions. He'll fold like a lawn chair.  

  26. like the finest win,,Obama rocked the stadium of 100,000 supporters  

  27. Yes, a masterpiece of B.S.!!

  28. I agree. Obama's speech was inspiring

  29. Yes, Obama WILL be our next President and we will all be better because of it.  

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