
Was Obama finally out-shined by his supporters?

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Obama's speech was phenomenal (as we all expected it would be...) but what I noticed is that the footage on CNN of all the supporters was far more interesting.

The parts that really brought tears to my eyes when I saw all the decorated and disabled vets from Iraq who were cheering him on...

And the little old white lady hugging and cheering with the two young black men...

Do you think more is to be said of Obama's voters than there is to be said for him?




  1. yea... that they are mentally challenged... more than obama himself

  2. UNITY !

    Ain't it grand? :)  

  3. He had most of the shine thing going from what I saw, more so than the crowd.

  4. We are Americans first, Reps and Dems second. Though sometimes the righties forget that

  5. I think he brings out the best in his supporters. He inspires them.

  6. Yes, theyre sheep who have been suckered in by a con man...

    McCain 08

  7. The fact that he was able to move these people  and touch them emotionally is evidence of his oratorical skills.

    It was good.  

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