
Was Obama ready with the white flag in Iraq, until the surge happened?

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Mighty quiet now, and the Mahdi Army is turning in their arms, where is the news media and the Democrats?,,Mmmm




  1. The media and the democrats won't broadcast anything positive about the war, you should know that. As for putting down the flag he has to wait until somebody tells him what "WE THE PEOPLE" want, then he'll do his "political positioning". He looks more and more like a black John Kerry everyday.

  2. The Dems are always ready to cut, run, and lose.  It's in their nature.  Nothing new here.  Obama is so stupid he can't even see the surge worked but he definitely would still have voted against it regardless.  Duh.  How many ways can you spell stupid?

  3. He has been in favor of withdrawing our troops this entire time.

  4. Surge, yeah right!

    What turned things around is we put the enemy on the payroll!  

  5. even weeks after it happened he could not admit how dumb he was but than again i hate to admit how dumb i am also

  6. You can only throw in the white flag when you willingly go to war.

    Obama has always been against the war...War or Surge its the same. Waste of $$, time, resources that could be spent in Afghanistan and Real terrorists.

    Its been Loss WMD no Bin laden, no nothing but American casaulty, and possibe growing terrorits threat.  

    The Surge is nothing but the last attempt before the white flag....Check the polls most Americans have been waving the white flag for a while.  

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