
Was Olympic Gymnastics Fair?

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Did it blatantly favor the Chinese?




  1. Yes, the judging seemed a bit biased. But it wasn't so bad that the U.S. girls couldn't have overcome the bias if they had actually performed to their abilities.

    They had the top 2 gymnasts in the world. They should have been able to blow away China. But they made a lot of uncharacterstic mistakes and got blown away instead (in the team competition).

    They just couldn't pull it together as a team, and the coaches didn't seem to be doing much in the way of coaching or encouragement.

    I think they lost the team gold fair and sqaure.

  2. Fair~~NO those 10 year old 16 year olds should never been have been there!!!  

  3. Absolutely not fair. No way. Chinese gymnast falls on her knees on a vault and beats USA who lands on their feet.

  4. no it wasn't fair

    i think people would stop being mad if i, or we, were just a plain old spectator(s) in a gymnastics competition between say, great britain against tunisia.  now i'm not from either country, but if i saw that one country was not receiving deductions for the little mistakes and some of the not so little mistakes, and then the other team was getting some whopper scores, then ya i would be saying hey man! that's not fair!! i don't see why people don't think that they would do the same if they felt their country's athletes were being cheated.

    but ho ho ho!!! because i'm american and upset about the way the judging went in gymnastics against my own country for heaven's sake, all of a sudden i'm a whiner

    i haven't cried my eyes out because we haven't won every gold out there in every other sporting event so i don't really see how that makes me a whiner, i HAVE however, been not quite so happy over the gymnastics judging.  

  5. How does it favor the Chinese? Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin got silver and gold again fool.

  6. yes it was fair and american whining is just sour grapes

  7. No were your eyes open that was unfair alicia should of walked away with the bronze, the chines were getting hire Marks from the begging i was getting so mad i was ready to turn it off , but i love the fact nastiea and shawn walked away with the gold and silver . ...    

  8. ohhhh yeah..... i think the whole gymnastics girls chinease team should have been disqualified. they totally lied about that little girls age. they said she was 16 but she's really 14. its not fair. but hey, at least we got 2nd even tho nastia is 1st place material. hope 2 see her in olympics 2012.

  9. h**l YEAH IT WAS FAIR.


    Ok, they were underage and all but omg those chinese girls were sooo ready to compete. but faking their age was ****.

    Those girls were trained and determined.

  10. it was fair. and how come no one is complaining about the men's team? they DOMINATED everyone.

  11. Women's Gymnastics

    US: 9 medals

    China: 6 medals

    If you can't see that the judges has been fair to the need your eyes re-examined.

  12. Sure.  

    Don't get me wrong, the Chinese gymnastic team is world class.  They were competing for medals in all events, but they clearly were given "bonus" points for being the host nation on many occasions.  

  13. All is fair in love and war, my friend. Just because they were fresh from kindergarten doesn't mean a thing. Perhaps the American coaches should've dressed as the Bogeyman to upset their routines. LMAO!

  14. The fact that they even let those girls compete is favoring them...

  15. china has broken the rules. and the judges have made some strange calls. i have been very disappointed. the chinese are good gymnasts. but there has definitely been some poor judging......if i was johnson and luekin (sp?) id be pissed. they have been good sports FOR SURE

  16. Watch out, many pissed off foreigners will assume your American without any proof just becasue of the nature of this question.

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