
Was Palin for earmarks before she was against them?

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She claimed in her address when announced as the GOP VP candidate that she said "no thank you" to earmarks. But the facts show that as a mayor and as Governor she hired lobbyists to bring home earmarks.

Is she schizophrenic or a just a liar?




  1. Those and the bridge to no were.

  2. I also read that her pork barrel spending came to $300 per person in Alaska - the average is around $47 per person, so hers was very excessive.

    Blatantly - that's not returning the money to the people, thats returning MY money to Alaskans - aren't your Repubs agaisnt redistribution of wealth? Those are Federal Tax dollars and I thought you were opening up your email so I could email you? What happened?

  3. Acording to the Alaskan newspaper that quoted Palin before she took office as Governor- Yes -she supported the "bridge to nowhere".

  4. Boy! I Just Wish...! I wish Obama & Obiden would bring the subject of earmarks to the forefront Do you really want to debate that issue this campaign cycle? I Just Wish...!

    But then again...I certainly understand why they don't. Trust me on this one.

    (LOL) Like shootin' political-fish in a bucket.

    (HaHaHa) Myles...Maybe you should go live in Alaska. But you act like it's a bad thing to return to the American People ...their own money.

  5. She accepted money for her city that came from earmarks. She didn't write the earmarks. Once the money is appropriated she would be stupid and do a disservice to her constituents to reject money the state can use.

    She can have different positions as head of the senate as VP vs a governor or mayor.

  6. She floppin' around like a salmon on the deck!

  7. Not all earmarks are scams, Your state im sure gets earmarks For roads or bridges, Dont be a nitwit.

  8. The Post reported in a September 2 article that Palin "employed a lobbying firm to secure almost $27 million in federal earmarks for a town of 6,700 residents while she was its mayor, according to an analysis by an independent government watchdog group." The Post added that the lobbying firm "began working for Palin in early 2000, just as federal money began flowing." From the article:

    In fiscal 2000, Wasilla received a $1 million earmark, tucked into a transportation appropriations bill, for a rail and bus project in the town. And in the winter of 2000, Palin appeared before congressional appropriations committees to seek earmarks, according to a report in the Anchorage Daily News.

    Palin and the Wasilla City Council increased Silver's fee from $24,000 to $36,000 a year by 2001, Senate records show.

    Soon after, the city benefited from additional earmarks: $500,000 for a mental health center, $500,000 for the purchase of federal land and $450,000 to rehabilitate an agricultural processing facility. Then there was the $15 million rail project, intended to connect Wasilla with the town of Girdwood, where Stevens has a house.

    The Washington trip is now an annual event for Wasilla officials.

    In fiscal year 2002, Wasilla took in $6.1 million in earmarks -- about $1,000 in federal money for every resident. By contrast, Boise, Idaho -- which has more than 190,000 residents -- received $6.9 million in earmarks in fiscal 2008.

    All told, Wasilla benefited from $26.9 million in earmarks in Palin's final four years in office.

  9. neither,as governor she took none! as a mayor she has taken some for her city to create jobs and new shopping center.since you don't live in alaska,you wouldn't realize how nice it is to not have to grocery shop 150 miles one way!

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