
Was Queen Elizabeth the 1st a Catholic or a protestant?

by Guest33873  |  earlier

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Was Queen Elizabeth the 1st a Catholic or a protestant?????





  1. I read that she was baptized a Catholic and educated/brought up in the Protestant religion.  She was baptized at the chapel of The Observant Friars of Greenwich which are runned by the Franciscan's order.  I think her mother, Anne Boleyn, asked her favorite priest to watch over the tiny princess before she was beheaded.

  2. she was a protestant

  3. Elizabeth I of England was a Protestant, although she was the first english monarch since Henry VIII not to persicute either religion and treat all her people equally.

  4. I am amazed that you ask that question.  

    If you did ANY research you would know she was protestant and that her dead Sister Mary was Catholic.

    Why? Would you not know this basic concept? Any button pressed on the computer would tell you this.

    Sigh I weep for the future.

  5. She was a Protestant. Her father Henry the 8th was originally a Catholic however when he appealed to the Pope for divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was denied, he converted and introduced the Protestant religion to England which allowed divorce, this sparked 'The Reformation' in England and the neighbouring kingdom of Scotland.

    After Henry's death her sister Mary (known as bloody Mary) became Queen and was determined to re-introduce Catholicism back to the country and burned hundreds of Protestant (heretics) at the stake and also imprisoned her younger half sister, Elizabeth the 1st in the Tower of London.

    Mary's reign lasted only 5 years. She thought she was pregnant however she actually had a tumour in her stomach and died of cancer. Elizabeth became Queen after her death thus returning the country back to Protestantism.

  6. Well her Father made up the Protestant religion so she was a prod.

    Her sister Mary wasn't that was the problem.

  7. Elizabeth the first was excommunicated by the Pope, therefore whatever She had been, She was certainly not a member of the Holy Catholic Church. Elizabeth I saw herself  as a member of a Church in England which was  the "via media" - the middle ground between the reformed hard line protestant church and the original and authentic Catholic Church.

  8. Elizabeth was a protestant. She was the head of the church of England from 1558 to 1603. Her father split from the Catholic Church to start the Church of England.

  9. protestant

  10. Protestant.  She was the issue of the marriage between Henry and Anne Boleyn, for whom he started the English Church....because he wanted a divorce from Catherine.

    So, she was kind of the reason for the beginning of the protestant church in England.

  11. This is one of those interesting questions.

    By the "common" way of thinking, she was a Protestant.


    The Church of England (and what is now known as the Anglican Communion) is not actually "protestant" in the same way that the :Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Pentecostals, Bible Churches etc are.

    King Henry VIII removed the Church in England from under the authority of Rome.  So instead of being "Roman Catholic" the Church became "non-Roman' Catholic.  Some folks later call this Anglican Catholic.  (Not to be confused with "anglo-Catholic" which describes a worship style within the Anglican church.)  The word "catholic" means universal.  It has come to be shorthand for "Roman catholic" but it is possible to be "Catholic" without being "Roman Catholic."  

    So, Elizabeth was definitely "Catholic" but not Roman Catholic.  Some later folks tried to turn the Anglican church into a protestant sect but (as Monty Python would put it) "We got better."

  12. Queen Elizabeth I was a Conservative Protestant. She was raised and educated as a Protestant, and the Religious Settlement of 1559 made Elizabeth Supreme Head of the Church. However, she did not give any clear indication as to the direction of her Church and many of the clergy maintained altars and images and they refused to destroy any equipment needed for Mass. Her formula was simple – if the Catholics were loyal to the Queen and discreet in their worship, she would tolerate them.

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