
Was Rampage Robbed?

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After watching that match, do you really think that Forrest LEGITIMATELY won a unanimous decision? I'm not asking if you think the judges cheated or anything like that, but do you think it was the right decision?




  1. I believe Rampage won this one... Forest fought a smart fight, but I feel that in order to walk away with the light heavyweight belt you must earn it through a decisive victory.

    I believe that Forest is the more marketable, commercially attractive fighter and that this played into the UFC's decision to declare Griffin the new champion.

    Forest has heart, great work ethic, and a moderate amount of skill. I do not believe he will remain champion for long if he is pitted against the caliber of fighter Rampage has already beaten (i.e. Chuck Liddell, Dan Henderson, etc.)_

    Congrats to Forest and his camp for pulling off the upset. Kudos to Rampage for taking such an obvious erroneous decision with such dignity and class.

  2. Rampage was robbed he won rounds 1 3 4  forrest won round 2 and round 5 goes both ways in my opinion cuz that round they seemed to both go easy and iluvufc wat fight were u watching u said forest never got knocked down h**l WITH THAT he did get knocked down 1st round

  3. No, it was a draw.

  4. Didn't Rampage bet his purse that the fight will not go to a decision?  Well, it went to a decision.  Regardless of whether he was robbed, he couldn't deliver on his promise.  But, we'll definitely see a rematch between the two in the future.  Next time, Rampage will not underestimate Griffin.

  5. Ok for all of you who think that Rampage got robbed.  I fight MMA I have lost a decision and I though I should have won.  Well if you have never been a judge then you don't know.  Judges are that judges its like being in a beauty contest just more blood.  The areas that are judged are:

    -Clean Strikes- both fighters had but Rampage more wild thats a point off.

    -Effective Grappling- Well we all know how Rampage fells about this he doesnt do it more points off.

    -Octagon Control- Griffin controled the gon for almost the whole fight.

    -Effective Aggressiveness- The fact that Girffin stood in and took punches and had a few number of knock downs after some of the heavy hits he charged in and countered this gave him an advantage.  

    So please before you go all oh he got robbed on use look at the scoreing system.  In mma you dont whine about the desicion you do somthing about it. Just goes to show that Rampage was under trained should have came harder.

  6. I definitely think that Forrest Griffin legitimately won. Did you see the second round when he had Rampage on the ground the whole time? And though i give Rampage a TON of credit for being amazing, it was just another case where Forrest Griffin had a game plan and stuck with it. watching Forrest Griffin, you can see how calm and collected he was throughout the fight, even though he was being smoked in the face by probably the best "power hitter" there is. Rampage, no doubt can hit harder than Griffin, but Griffin can take those punches like a champ, and not once did he fall. Griffin had the fight by a long shot when you look at it from the judges view "technical viewpoint" Though it seemed to go back and forth between both of them winning each round, Griffin had a "two point round" when he had rampage on the ground. (and rampage wasn't doing much to get up) Also, Griffin was about 2 seconds from getting Rampage into submission at one point. BUT when you are not looking at the "Technical side" It Was a CLOSE CALL. But i still would say griffin deserved the win. Griffin learned to be patient and use his mind rather than just go out and start throwing punches. And he did have an advantage with those leg kicks throughout the entire fight.

  7. No, he lost and in his own words this " because he has to fight Rampage again".  Forrest also beat Rua, who has beaten Jackson before.

  8. I think it was a robbery!!! It shouldve been the least a DRAW. Rampage almost knocked the dude out, yes 2nd round was dominated by forrest but that shows you that he isnt crafted or skilled enough to know how to use the side or full mount position.

  9. No, Forrest won no question about it.  All of the judges thought so and so did Rampage.  Rampage said " I got my butt kick tonight" and "he deserves to be the champ".  When the person who lost comes out and says "I got my butt kicked tonight" then you know he lost.  who is a better judge of the fight the actual person who fought in it.  If Rampage felt he had won he would have said something like "It could have gone either way" or "I feel like we gave each other a great fight".  he would not have said " I got my butt kicked tonight".

    Some people out there need to learn how to watch and score a fight, there is a lot more to it then just who lands the most power punches.  Forrest dominated every aspect of the fight other then power punches (which is not even a subject used to score a fight).

    See "By My Self" comments to learn how to score a MMA fight, he is right on the money.

  10. No way was it the right decision, so yes, he was robbed.

    I've already watched it twice, and it really looks like Rampage won rounds 1,3,4 and 5.  Griffin schooled him in round 2, but that was it.

    At best, I can see two rounds going to Griffin, which, if you score round two 10-8 for Forrest, then the fight is still a draw!

    I don't think it was a draw, though; I think Rampage took the last 3 rounds, and obviously had round 1 after he knocked Forrest on his @ss.  I just can't believe that it went as a unanimous decision AGAINST Jackson, giving Griffin the belt.

    All I can say is that Griffin needs to stand by his word and give Jackson a rematch.  Guarantee Quentin won't let it go the distance again after a horrible decision like that!

    Oh, and "almost submitte" doesn't count.  If so, then Forrest was "almost knocked out" when he was dropped by the uppercut, and he was "almost slammed through the mat" when Jackson picked him up from the triangle and Forrest had to let go to save his @ss.

  11. Yes, Rampage won 3 of 5 rounds. The 10-8 was a joke.

    Watch the Koscheck fight to see what a real 10-8 round looks like.

  12. I think so, some what for sure Jackson did not lost my anonymous decision they made him look he didn't do ****, he made it  look too abious he was in pain most of the time . if it wasn't for his knee Jackson would have kill him the 1st round no doubt.

  13. no he was picked apart and almost submitted.

    yeah he dropped him once and the slam didn't do nothin.

    after rampage threw power shots in the fourth and fifth round he had to limp just to get his balance

    almost submitted ads points

  14. he was robbed for sure.he won the popularity contest.yeah "almost submitted" but forrest was almost " knocked out" in the first! where were those points?forrest is a good fighter but it makes me sick that people are willing to look past the fact that he got his tail kicked because he's a fan favorite.i've been in kickboxing and martial arts since i was a kid and sorry to say there will always be bogus decisions until they put more "fighters"judging the fights.he didn't do anything convincing in that fight but prove that he can take a punch.

  15. I'm not suprised to see this question at all. I wanted forest to win but I don't think that he earned the belt. I thought every round sept the 2nd was really close to rampage winning. When rampage hit forest you could tell he was taking Hard shots that sent forest farther then a normal punch. The other thing that made me wonder weather you think it's stupid or not is that the fans were going for forest. It seems like to make the fans happy the best thing to do would be to give forest the belt. I persnally was saying to the t.v screen 3rd round and on your loosin it forest. I even threw a bottle that hit forest dead on. I thought he was loosing the whole time but what do i know? ya know?

  16. No, it was the right call.  Limping around the ring hurts you in the judges eyes and is a clear sign of damage, a scoring criteria.  It should make for a great rematch.  3 rounds to 2, Forrest wins.

  17. some people freaking amaze me. forrest griffin won this fight FAIR AND SQUARE rampage even said so.  i wonder if rampage's camp holds up the things they say, ramapage said on tuf "i bet my whple purse our fight don't go to a decision" well it did. and hector berrera said if forrest wins he'll retire.  so whats it gonna be guys.
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