
Was Rampage robbed at UFC 86?

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  1. yes, I heard that some dude stole his purse

  2. I think Forrest deserved the victory.

    If he didn't wreck rampages leg it might have been a different story but i think (although close) Griffin is the deserving winner.

  3. No, he lost a very close match that could've gone either way.

    The moral here is: never leave the fight to the judges, otherwise controversial decisions will keep happening.

  4. Rampage has always been a gentleman and will not whine like some fighters. He should have won that fight. He delivered more effective strikes, and harder strikes, and even had Forrest knocked down and almost out in the first. His injured knee allowed Forrest in the fight during the second, but Rampage came back out in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th and won all those rounds.

    Also in the  press conference he said he believed he won.

  5. How many times do you people have to ask this:

    LMAO @ babysled.. you little troll. Why don't you go sniff rampages dirty drawer's if you love him that much. lol

    Edit- my wife would laugh at your little ****. You sure sound like a rampage fanatic, epecially that anyone who has a different opinion is stupid or a forrest fanatic. I actually like them both, and I thought it was an excellent fight, but I also think teh decision was right. my opinion.

  6. NO WAY! Forrest did an awesome job, so did Rampage. but Forrst landed some good shots and took Rampage dwon and pounded him! although Forrest did recieve some good hits he was just all around a better fighter! i am sooo glad he is the new champ! Forrest has so much heart when it comes to fighting!!!

  7. Yes he was rampage had better defense avoiding all of griffens punches, to the fans they saw griffen throwing alot but all or most were blocked or dodged,  forrest got leg kicks went to the floor and did absoulutly noting forrest just rubbed his forarms on rampages head thats ground and pound, rampage had a higher % of throwing to landing punches just look at forrests face and dont tell me well forrest scars easy. smart fight by rampage and if i remember he was chasing him, and i think he stunned himm more. lets just admit it either rampage threw the fight or the UFC is the new WWE. Dana white the new vince Mcmann

  8. Robbed? No. I think the judges made the wrong decision but if you leave it to the judges you have take what they give you. Rampage had 25 minutes to not let it go to a decision.

    I thought Rampage won two rounds (1st and 4th) and Forrest won the 2nd. Both fighters took the 3rd round off and neither did anything in the 5th. Even if you give Forest a 10-8 for the 2nd the fight still ends up a draw.

    Still not a robbery. If you want to see a fighter robbed by the judges, watch Roy Jones  Jr Vs Park Si-Hun in the gold medal fight of the 1988 Olympics.

  9. NO!!

  10. yes,totally,forrest lands a couple of leg kicks and now hes the new chump,look at their faces after the fight,rampage didnt have a blemish on his face and forrest looked like he had been in a meat grinder,and i see that forrest loving homo katana is here giving his lame answers,i think him and forrest have something going on.yes,he got robbed,that decision was worse than the hamil,bisping decision.

    katana,little?iam anything but little their forrest lover, i dont like either of them,but rampage got robbed,if you didnt see the fight that way your a biased punk,and by the way,ill come and sniff your wifes panties!!!

  11. Completely agree with Bergy...

    Rampage kept waiting for the chance to land "that one big hit".  That chance never came.

    Forrest far from "dominated" the fight... he was, however, the aggressor.

  12. Not at all, he threw down great, so did Forest, but it all came down to stand up game where Griffin was a better hitter.

    Jackson used up all his energy trying to hit, but only connected every cuple of shots, whereas Forest took his time and connected almost every one.

    Kinda sucks that the rules are like that, I would have liked to see the energy Rampage had in Griffin.

  13. That's the reason why Judges should have a different way of Deciding the winner. It's hard to even understand the fights in the octagon anymore. Yeah Rampage should of moved out of the way or at least blocked those kicks. How hard is it to raise your leg to chamber it? He shouldn't be worried about the take down.

  14. No. The fight was very close. I was leaning towards either a straight draw and a rematch or a slight victory in favor of Forest. In terms of the rules, Forrest WAS doing more things. Maybe not as much damage as the few punches Rampage managed to land, but Forrest went for submissions, kept attacking, and never really let up. Rampage on the other hand landed a couple very strong blows, but that was it.

    Forrest was more actively landing hits + slightly controlling the fight more than Rampage, so he won. Watch again and see.

  15. How many times do I have to answer this question?  He was not robbed he even said he got his a** kicked!

  16. I watched the fight twice, there is no doubt in my mind that Griffin is the appropriate winner.  Although he didn't damage Jackson, he controlled most of the fight.  Even if he didn't control most of the fight, the 2nd round alone could have been a 10-8, Jackson did absolutely nothing in that round.  It was a good decision.

  17. Rampage swore up and down that this fight would not go to decision, and it did.... I wonder if he is really gonna give his purse to Forrest like the video they played OVER AND OVER AND OVER clearly states.... "I bet our fight wont go to no decision, I will bet my entire purse"

    Forrest did exactly what a smart fighter should do when facing a striker like Rampage, he went for the Knee, it worked.....

    Also, Forrest DOMINATED Rampage on the ground. Took EVERY punch Rampage threw, and was a UNANIMOUS decision.

    Rampage did not get robbed, he got exactly what he admitted he got at the end of the fight...

    "I got my *** kicked"-Rampage Jackson post fight........

  18. yes he was, and i agree don't leave it in the hands of the judges.ufc is starting with the politics c**p like boxing.landed a couple of punches?griffins face looked like hamburger!what fight were u watching?i like both of them but griffin did nothing definitive enough to win a championship match.he won't retain that title for champ will be either wandy silva (who would destroy griffin)or lyoto machida.

  19. 1st Round: Rampage 10 - 9

    2nd Round: Forrest 10 - 8 (Forrest was in side control landing elbows and attempting submissions from 4:40  till 2:15. At 2:15 he mounted Rampage where he continued to land elbows and submissions. Rampage did not have show any offense and very little defense.)

    3rd Round: Forrest 10 - 9

    4th Round: Rampage 10 - 9 (Could have easily been given to Forrest because of his triangle)

    5th Round: Forrest 10 - 9 without a doubt.

    That makes Forrest the winner 48 - 46. It didnt look for a second that Rampage was winning the fight. How can you judge a fight based on how the fighters look afterwards?

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