
Was Richard the Lionheart a villian?

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Apart from the homosexuality, the fact he may have killed his mother (Helen of Aquitaine) and that he wanted to sell england (the country he spent less than six months visiting during his entire life).

DID HE HIRE ASSASSINS to kill King Conrad of Monserrat after he was voted king of Jerusalem against Richard's wishes?




  1. He was a lot worse tham the Legends of Robin Hood make out, it's more bad King Richard, good King John.

  2. What does his homosexuality have to do with his villainy?

  3. You have to remember that he was a royal. At least he should serve as an example to us today, a reminder that we must always be on our guard with the royals and be ever prepared for their underhand methods.

  4. Villain.

  5. All royalty are cheats villains and liers

  6. Richard was ostensibly the equivalent to todays terrorist, However because his uncle and his brother King John were equally villanious and because Richard had fought in the crusades he was perceived as being hollier than thou by the masses and so got away with many crimes one of which may have been the death of his mother Helen of Aquitaine by his own hand. PIty Helen died as from reading about her had she lived the course of History would have certainly been different as she herself was a force to be reckoned with.

    Robin of Locksley AKA Robin Hood was the saving grace for Brits as he saw through all the treachery and villany and in history he was never given much credit for saving what was left of the throne of England.

    Amen..... lol

    Hey why a thumbs down it is all true what I've written.

  7. Villainy, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.  He wasn't one of England's better kings, but he was he a malicious villain?  Its all a matter of opinion.

    Two things to add:  first, his homosexuality is disputed by historians.  I think he may have been, but not everyone agrees.  Also, I don't believe this makes him a villain anyway.  Second, there is no possible way Richard killed his mother Eleanor (not Helen) of Aquitaine because he died in 1199 and she died in 1204.

  8. You've got your history so mixed up, that I won't even bother to try to untangle it all. Get a history book and do some serious reading.

  9. He was a very naughty boy.

  10. His mother's name was Eleanor he had an older brother called William and he was drowned in the White Ship on the channel crossing. He was his was his mother's favourite son, his father was Henry the second known as Henry Plantagenet and he was another one who played away from home. His mother was eleven years older than his father and the father died first Eleanor lived to a ripe old age, there is a lot more but i think that is enough. Eleanor had about five children.

  11. He gave the english language the term `q***r` for homosexuals (`Coeur` de Lion) and yes he spent most of his ten years as king hanging around with big butch boys in leather and chain mail around ibiza, sorry the med. He was no worse than any other ruler in historical perspective, although John was a much better ruler despite what the romantics say about robin hood (who very probably did not exist)

  12. No he was a SUPERHERO

    Bring out the comic book and cartoon NOW!

  13. Looks like u know more than us so y the question

  14. Of coarse why else were he and the Templar's so pally. No wonder they got such help and lands in England when the rest of Europe were out to get them. Also he was the only honorary Templar so could keep his wealth. A great fighter and general yes but not the nicest king in the world.

  15. I don't know about the accusations you've listed, but I have heard that he wasn't nice to any of the Muslim prisoner's / while they in contrast did treat us with some respect.

  16. probably

  17. There's a wonderful bit in Maid Marian and Her Merry men (Brilliant old kids TV series in the UK) where the locals hear that King Richard is about to return, and they all talk about how he'll be handsome and brave and just...  so when he arrives, they tell him how the people suffer under Prince John, and Richard turns to John and says, "I was worried about leaving you in charge, but you've done an excellent job!"

    That's history for you.  Didn't know he was a homosexual - doesn't bother me.  But yes, he was a villain, one who didn't deserve his reputation!

  18. Helen of Aquitaine?????i think you`r getting mixed up with Helen of Troy mate.....

    Eleanor of Aquitaine was the mother of Richard 1 and Prince John.

    Kerian b....coeur means Heart....not q***r...

    Richard the Lion Heart.....Richard Coeur De Lion (Richard Heart of a Lion)

    Do get you`r facts straight......try using a French - English translation service before posting nonsence.

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