
Was Rudy Giuliani on fire last night?

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He was AMAZING!!!! What do you think.




  1. I think Rudy has said what many who don't support Obama have been wanting to say. Someone call 911, Rudy was on fire and he wasn't flaming.  

  2. Giuliani loves the spotlight so much, he spoke twice as long as he was supposed to, allowing no time for the film bio on Sarah Palin.

    He's got problems...

  3. No.

    He sounded a lot like Sylvester to me!

    'Thufferin Thuckotash'


  4. Unfortunately, the St. Paul Police, who were watching over the RNC were too busy arresting non-violent protesters to notice that Giuliani had caught fire.  Once the situation was realized, the police could not communicate with the fire department, because their radios don't seem to work with each other.  Once the fire department had arrived, the building where the RNC is being held had collapsed, becoming the second building in world history to collapse because of fire without a plane hitting it.  

  5. Yeah he is was great I like that funny looking man.

  6. He was incredible. As a matter of fact, most of the speakers last night were pretty good.  

  7. I think he went up in smoke.

  8. Yeah, he was on fire. Spitting out insult after insult.

    " I 9/11 think 9/11 Obama 9/11 isn't 9/11 qualified 9/11 "

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