
Was Russia brutally ruling an occupied USSR?

by Guest58351  |  earlier

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Was Russia brutally ruling an occupied USSR?




  1. I dont know if this is what you are getting at but i dont think Russia is trying to controll all of what was or may have been under the USSR (which is now Russia)  

  2. Yes, it was the Russians who ran the old Soviet Union and brutally repressed the people in many of the now "breakaway provinces".  

  3. Russia was the U.S.S.R...

  4. yes

  5. What? Idiot Russia was the U.S.S.R.!

  6. Its all a matter of opinion. Osama Bin Laden was a freedom fighter at one stage, now he's a terrorist. Saakashvili of Georgia invaded S. Ossetia killing 2000 innocent civilians and when Russia retalliated, he's become a victim of oppression. He's even given a billion dollars to re-arm and recuperate from his losses. What an idiotic world we live in.

  7. maybe? what does that mean?

  8. No Lenin was a Jew and Stalin was a Georgian, Russians are a Slavic race and they where as oppressed as everyone else in the USSR.

  9. People from the independent republics say so... and I believe they know it better than anyone else...

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