
Was Sarah Palin lucky that her daughter got pregnant since it is rallying McCains religious base?

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Freebird, you're right but it is rallying his religious base. Doesn't make sense does it?




  1. Pregnancy is luck.. umm hmm before you know it, the libs will be saying that the republicans are claiming this to be an immaculate conception

    Edit: and the Socalled followers of obama seem to follow their new bible, The communist Manifesto

  2. Interesting the way the religous Republican base is so enthralled with "sin".

    Palin's lucky to have a GOP base that excuses such promiscuity when it assists the Party's agenda. Its not "really" moral with them.

    Now all of a sudden s*x out of wedlock is the new GOP "Moral value".

    Palin's a pure hypocrite for advocating abstinence only then having a pregnant daughter. Doesnt she teach her daughter the same things she wishes to apply to public law?

  3. I seriously doubt she feels lucky. More like concerned for her daughter. Shame on the liberals for making this such a big deal. Teenage girls( yes, Christian girls, too) get pregnant every day. I guess if she were willing to kill the baby, she'd be a liberal feminist hero.

  4. Her pregnancy has nothing to do with politics. But the liberals would sure love to make something of it.

  5. That if you want to make lemonade out your limes.

  6. So how many minors have you made prego Mr. Ambulance Chaser?

  7. How could it rally his religious base. Being an unwed minor who gets pregnant is not the thing any religion supports.

  8. I still don't understand how having a baby out of wedlock (which is against conservative morals) rallies conservatives? (which I agree, it seems to be doing?)

    I guess they will rally behind anything that the Republican party does...

    if this was one of Obama's kids (assuming one was 17) they would have a field day with it... talking about how it's immoral and shows the lack of family guidance...

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