
Was Sarah Palin only picked for VP to distract us from McCain's constant gaffes?

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Was Sarah Palin only picked for VP to distract us from McCain's constant gaffes?




  1. McCain already said that he picked her because he saw a great future in her.  She's an amazing leader!  

  2. Nader; Make that a statement, sweetheart, with 5 exclamation points at its' end!!!!!

  3. Sarah Palin is VERY attractive and as we all know from work and school. The pretty ones get the important positions no matter what their qualifications. The prom queen wasn't picked based on her grades.

  4. I think he picked her to galvanize the right-wing base (especially the so-called Christian conservatives), and because she conveys a reformist mindset (she went after several corrupt Republicans in the state).  I'm voting for Obama, but I don't think she was a bad pick.

  5. She was selected to try and garner Dem. women who supported Hilliary and are still unhappy. I think that it will backfire as another bad decision by JM.

  6. No also because McCain "likes" her

    Sarah Plain represents the worst of American conservatism. This ticket is wrong for America and could set the country back decades by ideolgizing education and science, a mentality similar to the dark ages.

    McCain is willing to risk having that unqualified lady become commander in chief in these troubled times just to win a few votes. Can anyone seriously argue she'll be ready on day one if that should be necessary?

    Is that country first? Risking the future of America's children to pick up some female voters? What an insult to the intelligence of the good American people

    Apparently the new GOP slogan is Party First.

  7. He was trying to steal Obama's thunder

    from his amazing speech the night before.

  8. I think it was a smart pick. She is not a business as usual Washington insider, she has a track record of going after both Republicans and Democrats that step out of line. She has taken on big oil and won and she relates to the largest voting block in our country..women.

    Additionally she has the evangelical, conservative, gun rights and mom vote as well. What's wrong with bringing in some new blood anyway. Not only that she is from my town, Sandpoint Idaho and a University of Idaho Grad, so she gets my vote as a homey.

    Our system of government was not designed for career politicians. It's career politicians that have damaged this country from both sides of the political isle.

    I say GO SARAH!!!!

  9. Whatever the reason, looks like it will work for him.

  10. You mean like "campaigning over all 57 states"? Please. No candidate is immune to "gaffs". Biden will have his share as well.

  11. Palin was picked in a rather transparent attempt to capture the votes of the women who wanted to vote for Hillary and now do not want to vote for a mulatto.

  12. No, I think Obama's and Biden's gaffes were doing that quite well.

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