
Was Sony really this naive as to expect... ?

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game developers to be willing to spend extra money and effort to build custom processor architecture for the ps3 Cell, when they can make games for the Xbox and PC at half the cost and double the efficiency?

You know, that's one big reason why the ps3 has lost a good number of exclusives. What in the world was Sony thinking? The blunder of this type is something you expect from a novice company, not a corporate giant with decades of experience, jeez Sony!





  2. people would have a different opinion if they actually played Metal Gear 4, hands down the best game ever made.

  3. I agree, They dont know what they are doing

    When The 360 came out, sony made the psp

    So it was PSP VS the 360,

    Sony had no intentions of making a new game system, It was a way to advertise their blu-ray,

    Games and stuff were just a bonus

    They were smart with the PS2 tho,

  4. *sigh*, it seems that Yahoo Answers gets more and more 360 trolls who hate the PS3...

    "You know, that's one big reason why the ps3 has lost a good number of exclusives"

    Like what? Assassin's Creed and DMC4? Those are the only ones I consider "major" that the PS3 lost.

    Yes, the PS3 did lose FF13, but; 1. I for one, don't care about that game ( I'm not buying it)

    2. It's still exclusive in Japan

    Unless you've been living under a rock, you must know that the PS3 still has the following games as exclusives:

    Metal Gear Solid 4 ( the rumors that it's coming to the 360 are BS)

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Ratchet and Clank Future: TOD

    Resistance: Fall of Man


    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue


    ( I didn't just randomly list these games, these are all great games)

    Not to mention the upcoming:


    God of War 3

    L.A. Noire

    Heavy Rain

    Killzone 2

    The Agency


    Socom: Confrontation

    Resistance 2

    etc. etc.

    What exactly do you mean by "efficiency"? That's it's too hard to develop for the PS3 because of the Cell?

    The Cell was a new technology back then and therefore devs have taken a while to get used to it, but times are changing...

    The reason some developers spend some extra money to develop for the PS3 is because many games, such as MGS4 can't be made on the PC or Xbox 360.

    Why? Blu Ray, without Blu Ray, once again, going back to MGS4, it couldn't have been made, as it took up all 50 GB on the disc, which would mean it would have to be spread out on 6 DVDs!

    Call me a Sony fanboy if you want, I really don't give a c**p if you think that, I just hate the fact that people like you bash the PS3 when you don't even have one.

    And unless you can back up your comeback ( if you type one) with something OTHER than "You're a biased fanboy" and not give any feedback why, then shut up and actually play the PS3 before hating it.

    Oh yea, and that one you played on display at Best Buy doesn't count :)

  5. I think they were so far ahead in the last two generations that they figured they would be the developer's only option by now, and just assumed that people would dish out the extra cash to have their games on a "superior" machine.

    Personally I prefer to pay for Live and play my games on the 360.  My ps3 has been nothin but a nice little blu-ray player for me.

  6. Yes Sony was stupid!

  7. ugh... who cares

    most people dont have the money to buy video games anyway

    i have a ps2 and thats good enough for me  

  8. So does that mean people with a ps2 will still have the best sony video game console for awhile? Since the ps3 is such a blunder?

  9. Because that is exactly what Sony is turning into.

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