
Was Tang invented by NASA?

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You know, the orange drink that comes in a powder form?




  1. It was developed by NASA with Kraft Foods at the time I grew up in the 1960's and remember even though I am from Canada the advertisment about it being a space food, we even had the "Space Food Sticks" they introduced back in the 70's for the old Skylab that crashed to earth years ago.  

    Tang used to come in a glass jar like coffee when I was young.

  2. yes...i just learned that today in chemistry

  3. No, actually it wasn't.

    Tang was created by General Foods in the late 50's.  It initially didn't go over very well.  However, NASA picked the powdered form to use on the Gemini flights.  The Gemini life support system produced drinkable waste water but it tasted bad, so the astronauts added powdered Tang to improve flavor.  GF took advantage of NASA's use of their product in their advertising.

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