
Was Tiger Woods setting out to exact revenge on Accenture?

by Stevie Colts  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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By timing his press conference for this Friday, Tiger will undoubtedly hijack attention away from this week's WCG Match Play Championship. Is that purely coincidental, given that Woods used to be sponsored by Accenture, until they ditched him after revelations about his private life?




  1. Sports_Guide
    It's possible Woods is having a small dig at the company - Rory McIlroy suggested that might be what's going on, anyway, though telltale body language that the Ulsterman had said too much came immediately afterwards, when he partially covered his mouth - in golf, fellow golfers tend not to say anything about Woods that could be viewed as negative. But does Woods really bear such a grudge that he'd try to take attention away from Accenture? Surely the guy has bigger worries on his plate right now?

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