
Was Turkey Strong Man Ata-Turk a Dictator? Did He Execute Any Body/?

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The religious Muslim Turks do not like him if not despise him.




  1. Absolutely; he imposed a one-party state. suppressed free speech and imposed laws without allowing any oppositon or public discussion.  During the 1920s he set up a series of "independence tribunals" that tried and execute his opponents; including some members of his own party.

    But he was really a fairly good dictator as they go, and had a good legacy. His secularisation policies were very good for Turkey,and especially empowered women.  As a result of this Turkey is one of the most advanced and democratic  countries in the Islamic world. Its level of democracy and free speech could be better, but its secularism is key to the mainenece of its democracy.

  2. Yes and yes.  

    He fought hard to keep Turkey secular.


  4. He was a dictator, but far less badly than Hitler, Stalin, Milosevic, or Saddam Hussein. In many ways, he followed the rules of Micaville for a ruler who’s destroying an existing regime & starting a new one.

    He succeeded in creating a modern republic, which is really good for his people. For that matter I think he’s similar to Peter the great of Russia at his time. On the other hand, he was obsessed with secularism to oppress several rights of the Muslims. Recently, the Muslim woman headscarf issue had been brought up in Turkey. American universities have no problems with the Muslim women’ headscarf, But Turkish universities do!

  5. No! but could say some what totalitarian. However he was adored by Turks. If it wasn't for him there probably would've have been Turkey.

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