
Was WTC7 collapse in 11.september at 5:20 pm controlled demolition?

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If it was controlled demolition than they knew about 9/11 before it took place.

It takes days to plan and prepare for controlled demolition. ( not 8 hours)

Then 9/11 was an inside job.




  1. No.  It was not.

    You can tell it was not a controlled demolition simply by the lack of the telltale signatures of high explosives.

    If you are going to claim that it was a controlled demolition - how do you explain the fact that the distinctive sounds of explosives were absent?

  2. What kind of question is this?  Trolling?

    That you link a source which name is intended to attempt to spoof the site for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is too, too funny. Good try.

    Did you mean to post this link?

    To answer the question more directly, the demolitions explanation makes more sense than anything the government has attempted so sell so far.

    I'll hold judgment until we see an official report from the government about the collapse of building 7.  Seven years later ... we are still waiting.

    You know .... there is only so far the NIST scientists will be willing to go to protect any criminal activity.  

    If they cannot explain it without calling it controlled demolition, they will probably never explain it.  If they do so, the expose themselves to the risk of being criminally charged with complicity in mass-murder or at the very least, insurance fraud.  Most likely, that explains why after all this time, the official explanation remains outstanding.

  3. 9/11 was an inside job. anybody who looks at the facts has to come to that conclusion. Except a lot of people here. It's really getting too late to argue this anymore. While we talk back and forth the people who actually did 9/11 are moving on with their agenda and very soon we will all know the truth.

    The real terrorist are in the White House.

  4. hello?.... are you there... ?... wake up!!!

  5. B.S. I don't believe it.  People make up things after the fact to get attention and to cause trouble.  I would not believe these so called "witnesses".

    This is right up there with the people saying the moon landing never took place and showed video of the flag waving, which it would not do on the moon. Excuse me, video tampering by those spreading the rumor??

  6. Of course 9/11 was a demolition. Many on-site witnesses testified to the timed explosions at different levels of the building and sub basement in WTC 1 and WTC 2.

    More than one person was involved, so it is also objectively a conspiracy. Historically, the US administration and US media are unreliable about significant events, so people should not be surprised by the fact that official government accounts and media stories are erroneous and incomplete.

    Why is it surprising the a few bad souls connected to the government would do this? It's a small number of people (collateral damage) relative to innocent populations that have been killed in the past. Why is there so much antagonism to the idea when it seems most plausible of all the stories.

    The destruction of WTC1 and WTC2 and WTC7 could not have been a progressive collapses as first suggested by the 9/11 Commission. (The commission did not investigate WTC building 7, by the way.) See Professor Steven Jones of BYU for a complete explanation of Newtonian mechanics as it applies to the 9/11 building demolitions in NYC.

    One person even swears he heard a count down on a private radio for the demolition of building 7. There was also wide spread knowledge that the building was going to be destroyed. (it was not a collapse because that could not happen at free-fall speed.)

    Clearly, someone knew a lot more about this than we have ever heard on the evening news (FOX or PBS).

    Can you believe that some people are still marginalizing this explanation and anyone who promotes it? Many media personalities know that if they start talking about this, this is the kiss of death to their careers. You can list them as easily as I can.

    I applaud the brave men and women who have sacrificed their careers in order to tell the truth. This is America after all. The land of the free and the home of the brave.

  7. Take a look at and you will see that no controlled demolition was needed.

  8. Just apply a bit of common sense PLEASE

    In order for the building to "collapse" in the manner documented on video, TENS OF THOUSANDS of welds and joints within the building would have to fail right on "Q" to do what was observed.

    NOT HAPPENING by "accident"

    we have what is alleged to be chaotic forces  acting upon the building and a neat straight down "collapse" observed!


    The emperor is NAKED!

  9. Check out this website:

  10. Uh.....NO... for the 911th time. Conspiracy theories are just that unproven suppositions, mostly from the left

  11. Probably.  Research it.  You will find scientists on both sides claiming different things. Science, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Visit a court room and watch the two sides present scientific evidence. Each side's "expert" presents a different science. The jury decides which is more credible not only based on the science itself, but based on the credibility of the party who commissioned the science. In the case of 9-11, the jury is 300 million people, and the government has already jeopardized its credibility by attempting to sell us the official fairy tale which simply doesn't hold water.

    In any case, the reason for the collapse of the towers is detail.  The big picture is what counts.  The big picture is the substantial and compelling evidence for government foreknowledge and government lying about 9-11.  That alone warrants an open and impartial investigation.  Research the circumstances of the 9-11 Commission investigation and report.  It was highly flawed.

    The government's explanations for many of the events of 9-11 are far-fetched. Alternate theories arise in the void.  Some of the alternate theories are more logical than the governments' explanation for a specific event, others are not.   While the alternate explanations are interesting, one need not subscribe to them to take the view that the government is lying. The evidence for foreknowledge and lies stands alone and it is enough.  Let a new investigation handle the details such as explaining once and for why the towers fell.  There is little value in debating that now.  Let's just get on with a full and impartial investigation and let it all shake out.

  12. No it was not, however that will not dissuade the conspiracy enthusiasts who still seem to think the world is flat.

  13. Were explosives planted and used in the WTC attacks? Well, sure there were plenty of witnesses of explosions that can’t be explained by the official story. Here are some good links. Hopefully they will work before "Big Brother" shuts 'em down:

    But why concern yourselves with throughts about witnesses, objective evidence, or a serious criminal investigation of the WTC murders? The US Government was not concerned about these things. Trust your Government. They are only concerned about what’s best for America. Go back to sleep, America. There is no need for concern.

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