
Was Yogi Berra being funny or stupid?

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When Yogi Berra said self-refuting things like "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore because it's too crowded," was he being absurd on purpose? Is he a comedian or an idiot? I don't know, because I'm not a student of baseball and its personalities.




  1. He was being funny. That was his trademark. He always made comments that seemed stupid on the surface, but really had a ring of truth in them. He's a very intelligent man.

  2. He was just being funny.  No one would have quoted him if he just said it stupidly.

  3. He always acted like he said these things on accident, but I'm convinced he was really clever.  Here are some other classics:

    "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future."

    "Always go to other peoples' funerals otherwise they won't go to yours."

    "90% of baseball is mental.  The other half is physical."

    "If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up somewhere else."

  4. He was an athelete, not a genius. Those were his thoughts and that is the way he spoke. There are many similar quotes that he left behind.

  5. Maybe neither...

    Could be that Yogi just had a unique perception of the English language.

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