
Was Zheng Jie provided a wild card at Wimbledon in order to acquire money for China?

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Lets look at facts. China has been so closed off that they created their own tennis championships in lieu of competing at already established WTA events. Now out of nowhere Zheng Jie pops into Wembledon on a "wild card" provision. What's reallhy going on?




  1. No, she wasn't just given a wild card in order to give money to China.  She had to write a letter to the Wimbledon organization just like anyone else wanting a wild card into the event, and she was chosen as one of eight i believe.  

    Zheng had performed well at Wimbledon in the past...if you recall she had been a consistent top thirty player for a good few years.  She then delt with a string of very serious injuries which forced her out of competition for a little over a year.  She has talent, and has done well in doubles as well as singles in the would have been very hard for the Wimbledon organizers to refuse Zheng a wild card entry.

  2. I suggest you watch the game,then make your comments about a very good player,win or lose.

  3. Somethings going on to shut racist people's mouth [One of them could be you]

  4. She got a wild card cos she applied for it. Period. And because she had a serious ankle injury last season so her ranking suffered.

  5. I think it was because she won the doubles in 2006

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