
Was a carburator ever designed that provided upwards of 40 mpg?

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i remember hearing that someone had designed a carburator, in the 1970's shortly after the oil crisis hit, that was rumored to get 60-100 mpg was did this ever happen?




  1. No, A carburetor is a very inefficient way to mix air and fuel for an engine. Electronic fuel injection is far superior and that is what all vehicles use today. The old magic carburetors and gimmicks that the "evil oil companies" squashed were just old wives tales for weak minds. Now that I think about it the modern version of this is human caused global warming!

  2. more hogwash from the conspiracy theorists. there was the pogue carburettor, and the fish carburettor, and a few other "gas saving" devices that allowed the internal combustion engine to get 100mpg, but are not on the market today because the oil companies and the automakers bought up the patents and refuse to produce the items. the problem is that the people who keep espousing these things dont understand how an internal combustion engine works, and what is required to increase the thermal efficiency of the internal combustion engine.

  3. Higher gas, smaller car.

  4. My sister had a piece of junk Le Car with a Rubber band engine.  But it got 50 mpg. So yes.

  5. The 60 to 100 is entirely due to vehicle design. It takes a certain amount of energy to move a certain mass a certain distance.

    If you increase mass, the requirement goes up. If you increase distance, the requirement goes up.

    The only way on a normal vehicle to get better mileage other than the controls now in use, is to capture the energy lost in deceleration and at idle. Some of the Hybrid cars are making use of that technology now.

    As to your "super efficient carburetor", none have been shown to work and other devices now on the market don't help either. Physical laws can't be changed.

  6. The Pogue 200 mpg Carburetor was no myth. I've seen the schematic. Problem was, it depended on vaporizing the gasoline using external  heat. Very dangerous. The car companies bought the patent, but dared not use it for fear of being sued when one of the carbs exploded like a couple of sticks of dynamite, as they almost certainly would have eventually.

  7. Fuel economy has little to do with the type of intake. Carb, fuel injection, throttle body, etc. It's all about horsepower and torque versus weight. No miracle carburetor will give a vehicle 60 mpg regardless of the vehicle's size.

    The greatest increases in fuel economy in recent years is due to taking weight off the vehicle and using clever engine designs like variable valve timing.

    Compare the automobile to the motorcycle, a carburetor has nothing to do with it.

  8. look up the "pogue carburetor" on google.  Apparently it is a myth from 1937.  It appeared in a couple magazines, but no one ever tested it.  The story goes that Charles Pogue patented a new carburetor, and then the big oil companies bought the rights to it and shelved it.  I believe it is a myth because no-one has been able to duplicate it.


  10. most of these old scams relied on surface evaporation systems where a pan of gasoline was heated & the engine ran on the resulting fumes. they can be made to work fairly well on a stationary engine running at a constant rpm. in practical use they are very susceptible to explosion & fire.

    todays computer controlled direct fuel injection is the most efficient way to mix fuel & air in an engine at variable speeds & loads.any individual or company that invents a system that improves gas milage by a measureable amount will become wealthy from the patents.

    little cars get better milage because it takes less horsepower to move them.for example the original VW bugs sold in the U.S.had 36 hp so they got better milage that a heavy 200 hp car.

    in the 1950s the rumor was that somebody in the1930s had invented a 100 mpg carburetor & the oil companys bought him out or had him killed. I guess things never change

  11. Hay....NORLORE  where you been underneath a rock all your life......   Who are you to prove anything too.....

    What is being talked about is just common information.

    Gas turbine engines have been in cars since 1936,  they are called  TubroShaft can look up in 30 seconds.

    The Plymouth turboshaft engines, were a 1955 design engine that were being placed in Army Tanks at the time.

    For the last 25 years most "Heavy" tanks have the 5th generation of the 1960 Plymouth "Turbine" engine.

    The automotive term "GT" 300  meant Gas Turbine/300mph.

    Later used by several  manufactures.  (See Chrysler 300 1959)

    These were a line of cars designed for 12 years as "turbine" design cars...   But, the Army Bought the Turbine, and there were problems with a Chrysler going 450 miles an hour on USA roads.    These engines developed 100,000 RPM easily...and a unlimited speed/hp for US automobiles.

    In 1960 there were 9 aircraft engines in factory production cars .....even the Chev. "Corvair"... which had a Cessna engine in the rear (Continental)  Volvo...Rolls Royce and lot more.

    The 1960 Plymouth  w.turbine  was  a "K" car  K-310G or D (G=gas or D=diesel)  that engine even powered helicopters in Viet-Nam.

    They were certainly on display, and as I understand it 25 dealerships were shipped these cars....and 20 shipped to secondary New Car dealers.   After a Year on the street the engines were removed.....and sent back to the manufacturer for research.....The problem was that motor would had killed the whole "Muscle Car" trend at the time.

    Some Police agency's were given 1961 Plymouth GT (gas turbine) cars and those were all sent back to the factory.

    The Walter P. Chrysler "Private Collection" Museum has these cars that are still driven.  They May still be some in the WP Chrysler Public Museum.

    The United States Patent #3889771 is no fake......for the turbine engines.

    Gas turbine engines have been used in military tanks from Viet-Nam  to the one I drive in Iraq....ya a that.

    So what have you been doing for 50+ years.......smokin dope, while you were doing your expert car repair.   MoPar send most all shops  a "mag"  in some issues....these turbines are still discussed.... my uncles have issues back to the 1940's.

    Hay you ever heard of "Hennessey Motor Sport"  the Viper Guy....Or Shelby (ford)  or Callaway (corvette)?

    John Hennessey, will sell you a 250+ Miles per Hour car or your money back if it will not do it on any free way.  

    300+ mph if you got the bucks, and a attorney to fight the tickets.

    Today, the Horse Power of the "highly governed down" 1960 Plymouth....has been reduced down to the design of 1958 and powered up......You could now Put "2"  of those engines in a large suit case, and are in use the Military and Industrial applications.

    The original design for the "High Fin" '60 Ply....was to house 2 turbine engines,  under each rear finder well.......

    You want a picture.... go to "" slash title slash Chrysler%2520turbine%2520car.....

    Or take your lazy ## to Chrysler dot Com and look up the Exner or "XNR"GT300   or  who quit because these cars were taken off the road....replaced by Elwood Engle late 1961  and designed 12 years of "Turbine" design Body's for Chrysler cars.....

    Did you ever look at any "Motor Trend"...."Motor Sport"  or Hot Rod Mag's  growing up.....?

    Yah,  Right....dude

  12. That sure did happen....  He actually designed it in the 1950's

    around 1958,  he had a device like a thick gasket to fit under a carburator....that gave over 50 mpg highway,  in any car...

    The patent was bought from him by a major oil concern,  for a large sum, then  never to be heard from again.....

    His original device was like a door screen,  between two carburetor base gaskets.   At the demonstration at a "drag race"  showed that it would developer more horse power....I used it two times successfully as others....but was confiscated in Dallas at a regional meet.....there were about 16 others who got theirs taken (or impounded)  also during the "tech" inspections before the race....

    From then on NHRA deemed it illegal or something and we never heard anymore....

    Well it dropped my time by more than a .5 second and that was "killer."   I used it in 2 of 3 class cars at the time and thought i found a deal.....

    They were $5 bucks each....kinda high for gaskets....but what the h**l!

    That guy can be seen on the old TV show,   " I'VE GOT A SECRET"  a panel where the panel guess his secret, he may had been on with the guy who had invented the micro-wave oven...claiming the government wouldn't let him sell it for the 30 years after he applied for the patent.  It look and worked just like the one in your house..... but, 70 years ago?

    Its the "Tesla" thing again......

  13. it is not the carb, but the whole vehicle design

    eg many old carburated motorbikes give 40-100mpg easily.

    original VW beetles, Fiat 500s & 2CVs could also return around 40mpg dirven consideratly.

    but a  SUV (Sod the planet & everyone else; Ugly, Vehicle)

    will not give better than 10mpg with a carb.

  14. I  sure remember it, and saw it on TV,  and saw the guy that the "Math.merl" guy answer  was talking about on TV, too.

    I remember the 1976 deal had a hydrogen heated generator or something to go with the gas carb and fuel line.

    Also  Hydrogen engines, that were developed ran on a small amount of hydrogen gathered from sea water.   One gallon of hydrogen would power your car for 1,500 years or more.

    It was featured in "Popular Science Mag." and others....but that quickly disappeared.  The model of the engine and a car with the engine was in car shows for a couple of years;  then it disappeared like all the others...

    There is a guy (inventor) who developed a battery and generator that would run like for ever, and would get like 500 miles to the gallon.   Harley Davidson, featured a motorcycle with a small engine that would drive the motorcycle over 120 mph....on like some unbelievable amount of MPG amount.

    I had pictures (from a Harley dealer) of it around somewhere,

    but had not seen it in 10 years or so.   I remember the inventor broke his leg at some high speed, as he dumped it in some sand on a El Paso back road,  there is video tape, but hadn't seen that in 15 years or so.  I had talked to the inventor, and his friend in Dallas on a number of occasions.

      Those guys are smart, and the information about all the trouble with the government, and others who tried to suppress this technology was amazing....just UN-real....but I know personally they were telling the truth.

    Its all out there, in shops across america....everything we need but......they can't get it past the government or oil companies.

    Plymouth cars were in show rooms in 1959-1960 with big turbine engines under the hood, that would develop over 2,500 horse power, or at 100 horsepower....would get this large miles per gallon amount.  It was like 200 mpg or something.

    I have seen them.....and rode with a friend who drove one, but they were never sold....they were leased and taken back to the factory......As I remember it the government stopped them from selling them to the public after they were on the show room floors.

    Under the hood was a big silver lid like a breather with one spark plug and one wire...the rest looked like a big round expensive wash tub.  When it ran it made almost no noise at all except a faint loud winnnne.  At idle it ran at 10,000 RPM with just one moving part, and had 160 on the speedometer.   I don't know how fast it went.  I had just rode with the guy who had one for a while.

    Well there is more, but thats my 2 cents, I was surprised by what I read in the "math" guys answer because I had seen it too.....  There is Lots more out there we don't know about.

    This stuff of a "Hybrid" car is just  BS getting 23 miles per gallon.....Just total BS...and was designed to get government grant money.......not save fuel.   There are magnet motors that will run for 50 years on "Nothing." and will power cars or even trains (they were designed for submarines to run with no noise...In the 1940's and were like 30K Horse Power) but the government put a lid on that.....just like there use of satellite systems during the Korean war....That is no joke...there are people alive today who worked in that navigation system.

    The young people today are being directed by the government on what to talk about.....they kick around ideas and big names......but none of them read and investigate the actual issues.....they will find out only too quick...that all this is true....its here,  and it works fine.  It was fairly well known long before the "sputnik thing" .....America had got the jump on space long before.   NASA and even the space shuttle was planed and paid for....before JFK.   Problem is we are still being charged for "old tainted" technology from the 1950's.   Even the Hubble Telescope should had been in orbit by 1970 but with the JFK deal and LBJ just stopped it for years.  If it were not for Nixon  (and later Reagan)  who pick up the ball from the Eisenhower Plan and ran it forward....then they tried to kick Nixon out of government....Then Reagan picked up the ball and Knowing what a lot of Americans know about who has been stalling this.....again, took it forward...ending the cold war in the process.....

    These young guys better stop kicking around big terms and start really looking at whats going on.  

      A well known  bumper sticker that says "HIRE A TEENAGER...WHILE THEY STILL KNOW EVERYTHING"  has a bit of truth to it now days.

    Well there you are....I don't care what you guys believe...most is just what they want you to think and know......anyway.

  15. There were a few, but they were on tiny little engines that delivered tiny amounts of horsepower.  There's always those crummy laws of thermodynamics that just bite you in the butt when it comes to energy and power and stuff.

  16. WOW, these are all great campfire stories, as a mechanic all my life, so far I'm 50+ now, just show me one, show me a photo, drawings, anything that will work. ( Note I said will work ).

    It seems most everyone has or knows someone who has seen or rode in a car with one of them, They can never give specifics though, hardly surprising

    WOW William

    10,000 rpm idling,

    No Noise Magnet Motors that ran on nothing with 30,000 HP in the 1940's for submarines,  Maybe you should tell the Navy about these, they sure spend a lot of money and time on reactors, hey?

    Plymouth's in the showroom in 1960 with 2,500 HP

    WOW, where exactly is all this information? Are you a Secret Agent?

    Funny no one can conjure up one in their garage, most mechanics like me have access to a metal shop and can make just about anything,  metals, plastics, composites, it all can be worked there, odd parts can be cast and worked any electronics needed? not a problem today either!

    LOL, good satire reading........

    Pogue carburetor see here

    Alas in my time I have never seen a shred of anything credible and I'm still looking.....

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