
Was albert einstein born a genious ?

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are people born as geniouses or do they make themselves geniouses by doing extraordinary things ?




  1. Yes.  Surely some bonehead will trot out the old myth that he flunked in grade school.  Unfortunatley this comes from a misunderstanding.  In both Germany and Switzerland, grades are given as a "1" through "6" (instead of our "A" through "F").  The only problem is, in one country "1" is the best grade and in the other "6" is the best grade (I don't recall which is which).  So, his parents moved from Switzerland to Germany, and his transcripts came showing all A's (e.g. all 6's), which the new school in Germany presumed were all F's.  The principle wrote in his diary that Einstein was flunking all his classes in his diary.  3 days later, when the principle discovered from all of his teachers that Einstein was a genius and not an idiot, he wrote about it in his diary.  Underachievers of the world, love to quote the first diary entry, but of course, are too lazy to read the correction.

    Do you have to be born a genius to become a genius.  I don't think so, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

  2. I would have to say both.  First and foremost is the interest, the inclination.  It is what drives the person to learn and further fuel their inquiring minds.  Who's to say that the homeless man down the road is not as intelligent as an astronaut, just because he's lacking in the world of academia.  If he had the proper schooling, and the proper upbringing to spark a thought, he might be someone copletely different.  Genious is the thought, what is learned is what helps shape and convey it.

  3. He brought out his genius in something he liked doing. Everyone is genius in some way. His mathematics proved that he excelled in that field of schoolwork. However, when you read about how he did in school, it makes you think of a "problem child".

  4. Supposedly, there are two types of intelligence, fluid and crystallized.  Fluid intelligence is how fast you learn and how well you apply what you know to problemsolving or whatever.  Crystallized intelligence is how much you know - facts, general knowledge, etc.  While crystallized intelligence of course is very flexible, fluid intelligence varies little during a person's lifetime (they're kind of poorly named).  Mostly it just declines due to age and damage to brain cells.

    So... long story short, a genius is typically born a genius.

  5. well its up to the person though

  6. obviously bobbys answer transcends words lol... i think people are born with certain talents, and it sup to them to find them and nurture that talent. so yes he was born a genious, but what if he had never gone to school? he would have just been some german guy working in an office! its all about circumstances

    please answer mine!;...

  7. He supposedly uttered his first words at 4 or 5 years of age!  I think you do have to be a certain sort of person to be driven enough to do the things he did.

  8. If an element of genius is being able to 'see' the abstract, then it has to be an inborn talent. (I speak from personal experience). And that was what all of Einstein's work was - to conceptualise, put it in an intelligible and testable framework, and convey it in a way that others could see it too. So yes, he was born a genius.

  9. He was not born a genius unless you're a fatalist in which case peoples future actions are already predetermined - from that point of view he was born a genius.

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