
Was anybody at Brands Hatch last weekend?

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Did you see Lewis Hamilton? did he have anything interesting to say? My friend was thinking of going to see him but she never got there




  1. He's never said anything interesting ever.

  2. Me. Yes and yes.

    He said he has no idea about what the future night race is going to be like. he doesn't even know which way it is going to go round the track and whether they should wear clear or tinted visors on their helmets. He said he found Valencia a boring race and wasn't that impressed with the track, but he did stress he was grateful for the team and everyone who helped him get his second place. He also talked about his times racing on brands hatch and how he was looking forward to catching up with old friends he used to race with. He was amazed and overwhelmed by how many people had turned up to see him even though 'Its not my race'. One of the Mercedes stand crew drew on him by mistake so he was laughing at that.

    There were a few disabled kids on the stand and he took quite a bit of time to talk to them, sign autographs and pose for photos then he did a marathon signing for the crowd. I had been there since 9 am to see Ralf Schumacher so I was right at the front and was able to talk to him. he DID speak to me and signed my picture. I've got some cracking shots if your friend wants a few. (email me your personal address and I'll send you a few). His dad was there too and me being me I asked him out on a date lol. He said yes but didn't give me his number lmao. He is actually really good looking up close too, but hey never mind.

    After he went I was feeling a bit battered and bruised from all the pushing behind me, had total hat hair and a major sweat on - guess what - I got collared by a flaming TV crew and had to do the full on interview!!! I haven't seen it, I hope its on the cutting room floor, but my sister has been winding me up good and proper. she reckons they'll be showing it on ITV F1 either saturday or sunday. I'm going into hiding just in case - oh the shame lol. bet I look like a right minging mess and I don't even know if I ummed and ahed at all!!!

    He took his last years car out on the track and did about 5 laps and some doughnuts for the crowd too. I must admit I've seen more impressive doughnuts from Nick Heidfeld but hey what do I know, I can't even park properly:)

  3. Val went (:

  4. I doubt your friend missed anything. He only ever talks about himself.

  5. Hey Val that sounds brilliant! I'll be recording both ITV shows so let us know if your interview does get shown cos we all want to see it!!  

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