
Was anybody aware that the africans & the orientals are typical, & so are the Indians & caucasians?

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archiological ruins are surfacing to verify that indi's & p**i's are housed in the same bodies as the cauca's with complexion differences, & the afris & orie's are typical of each other.

i have always noticed the similarities between both pairs. common bone structures for example, look at the sillowet or profiles of orientals & africans and you get identical matches more times than ten. between the caucasians and indians is the exact same.

so, can you immagine if the oreiental and the african nations decide to unite. as well as the caucasians and the indians. ummmmm, i wonder which group would be strongest. after cultural and technological exchange. Alas! what would become of the gray people?




  1. Genetically Race is a purely subjective thing. There is no black, white, yellow or multiculoured "gene".

    This line of thought is really the result of biased ethnocentrism. Trying to "prove" one "race" was better than another.

    Looking forward to the time when (like the "Science" of Phrenology) race is discredited.


  2. You are wholly self-deceived and completely full of shìt.


  3. I disagree, because I just watch a program about bones structures from a homicide show. It states the Orientals and Indians have similar bone structure, but a little different. Especially the face and hip bones. Africans are so much different with the rest of the cultures. And for white people none don't match any any culture's bone structure. Just too different.

  4. you, good sir do not make any coherent sense whatsoever

  5. Not until tolerance is taught on both sides.

  6. We are all typical of each other. Haven't you noticed that too?

  7. This is one of the oddest questions.  I'm at a loss of what to write, other than something sarcastic.  

    I won't be sarcastic.

    I'm still at a loss of what to say.

    Perplexing, very perplexing.

    It's good to have opinions.

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