
Was anybody else shocked by Kats hypocrisy last night?????

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For the last few days she's been all over Sarah like a bloody rash, then when it comes to nominations she nominates her, WTF is that about?????




  1. I know, there is a dark side to Kat :/

  2. and come Friday night, she'll be sat slap bang between Sara and Lisa, her stupid fat face hogging the limelight

  3. phillip H...i love your answer! lol...darnell pointed this outlast week! he said to her " you will risk your closest friends to be friends with everybody!" which is true! she always needs to be there...were she knows the camera is, wether shes crying in the bedroom alone...comforting the people she nominated or singing at the top ofher stupid c**p*y voice! she sucks up to everyone! and if there having none of it (like darnell) she crys for attention! shes a co*k! i hope she doesnt win!! xx

  4. She is a good friend of Darnel and she knows Sarah hurt Darnell. Kat stand up for him.

  5. no not shocked because that's who she is !

    i don't see why people like her

  6. Because she's full of it, Darnell has been a proper t**t to her but she still crawls up his ar$e, she is just there to win doesn't give a toss about any of the others.

  7. Has anyone else noticed that Kat has voted for Lisa every time ?

    I dont recall Lisa voting for her.

    Whats Kats problem with Lisa ?

    I think Kat has a crafty side to her, and i dont trust her anymore.

  8. :|

    Well she has to nominate someone.

    She will have had her reasons.

    What the h**l is everyone on about!? what's all this "dark side" s**+ t? How does everyone work that out? Yeah maybe she enjoys being the centre of attention- but that doesn't make her any less of a nice caring person does it? :S

    And maybe Sarah annoyed her a bit maybe- but that's no reason for her not to be nice to her day to day. not hypocritical at all.

    OH and another hilarious thing...

    everyone is saying in the house that Kat's really "clever" and scheming... and they reckon she's putting on a stupid act- BUT she has an iq of 80! 80. that's low

    and the people accusing Kat of hidden inteliigence are Darnell and Rex- the two people with the highest IQs in the house- 119 and 117.

  9. not surprised at all, she is the biggest game player in there as luke said. she wanted everyone to vote lisa and sara cos she loves rex and darnell so much.

  10. kat   is   getting    on    my    nerves   now .   all   the  screeching   so  no-one   can    be    heard .   she   sticks   around   the   people  who she   thinks    has   a    chance   of    winning .     i   saw    her   face  when   mo    went    through    the     final   (  it   wasnt   a   happy   happy   face )   she    pretends    shes   happy    for   the    other   hms   .   her   face    tells   a    differant   story    .    

      darnell   talks    a    lot    of    sense ,    he   was    right    about    kat   .   she   is    two    faced,

  11. no i'm not shocked  chick   , when  anyones down  or  upset  she  pokes her  nose pretending  to  care ,  so people think she's  kind  and understanding ,she  doesn't  give  two shites  about  anyone  in there really  its all  for the cameras  ,  i'm more  shocked that she didn't get one nomination , She will think she's won  already , i really hope she  doesn't  !!

  12. tbh whipass i can understand your reasoning but at the same time, the rest of the house are her "best friends" so she would have been more of a hypocite if she had nominated them,  

    as for kat game playing i'm still torn as to whether or not she is, i don't think anyone could act for a whole series but at the same time, i also find her actions and ways strange for a 30 year old woman who has been married and is engaged  

  13. tell me about it the ***** i hate her and that squeeky voice and always crying when she gats put in her place  

  14. She has made it clear that she values her friends (Rachel, Rex, Darnell and Mo) more than anything so it was obvious that she was going to nominate Sara and Lisa. If she was a hypocrite she would have nominated one of her friends wouldn't she.  

  15. I totally agree, my opinion of her totally changed last night.

    I'm starting to think it's all down to BB's editing. They always show Kat in a really good light yet on teh live show she did 2 things (in the space of half an hour!) that pissed a lot of people off. Maybe she's always like that but BB don;t show those bits...?

  16. Kat is a ******* joke alltogether never seen someone so fake in all my life !!!  

  17. think shes playing a good game!!

    she knew darnell rex n mo would defo be nominating her so she did it 2!!

    but did u hear rachel appoligising to kat 4 nominating rex??

    rex,darnell, mo,kat n rachel are still a tight group!

  18. Snake in the fecking grass...........a whispering grass at that and she is the biggest stirring whisperer!

  19. i no man and after she nominated sarah she was all hugging her when she was going into the task room i was like WTF

    and this cookie love seems like a loads of shite to me as she seems to of forgotton how much she loves them and how she has to have one evry day !!

  20. Oh, and get this. Rachel said sorry to Kat for nominating rex.

    Then kat has the cheek to laugh and nominate sara!

    I wouldnt put my life in the hands of kat!

  21. Well I am not making excuses for her H but probably she was voted by Kat and by some of the others because she was last in and hasn't had to endure the whole of the time they have.  Makes sense last in first out and all that.

  22. the sly kat character is coming to the front now and more people are seeing her as SHE REALLY IS, thanks to her mask slipping, her fakeness and general horribleness is outstanding....she is so convinced she is going to win and i cannot wait to see her face when she doesn't!!!!

  23. lol I know.  Kat is not as innocent as she first appeared, she is totally playing for the cameras

  24. Good question H.....And tbh...Bex has said more or less exactly what I also think.

    Incidentally I've just finished reading an article in my mag today.......which is an interview with Kat's Ex Hubby (English and 52) who says really nice things about her but the thing I found strange was when he was asked 'Was She Always Into Cookies?' he replies "Kat has always liked her food, but the Cookie bit is new to me"  So where has Cookie Love come from ??  

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