
Was anybody like this?

by Guest32763  |  earlier

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Was anybody alittle chubby as a kid but ended up being slim as they grew up? Or vice versa, meaning you were slim as a kid but ended up being bigger? Thanks.




  1. yeah i was thin as a kid.and now im a little thicker.

    but my best friend was thicker than me always and now shes thinner than me.

    kinda weird but i guess sometimes that happends.

  2. no i was real thin, then um..well im still thin, just a little curvier.loool its weird.  

  3. Sort of, i've just kind of been average my entire life. Just a little chubby as I grew up. I'm 13 and i haven't really gotten to that stage just quite there. Although, i've already started getting those womenly curves. Lol and those stupid monthly presents. =P ( haha)

  4. lol yeah ; happened to me =] i ended up beeing skinnier i guess. i was type chubby.

  5. omg yesss!!!when i was like 8 my parents took me to the doc cuz they i was too im 14 and i look much better.u just gotta exercise, i did.i think that helped alot.  

  6. yup, now i exersise and am skinny

  7. Nope, I've always been around the same skinniness...

  8. yea, kinda a stupid question

  9. it has happened but i have been about the same wieght maybe a little heavier now as i was compared to my wieght for my age as a kid but not by much wow i jus confused my self lol but yeah im aboutthe same weightwise

  10. both skinny fat skinny fat

  11. i was kind of that way, but i know people who were. its perfectly normal.  

  12. no im just fat.

  13. yup i was a stick when i was lil when i was growin up i was a lil chubby but i manage to lose that weight..

  14. Totally!

    I used to be the pudgiest kid ever (not like lots of rolls, but heavier and had the 'pudgy look') and then I went a whole summer only eating like 200 calories daily and I totally thinned out (it really wasnt on purpose though, I just didnt feel like eating).

    Soo, thats mee :].


  15. NO i will not help u since u post this link on like every question!! get a life

  16. yeah i was chubby when i was little but my mom said that when i was like 5 i got sick and threw up and she said i started to lose weight from there so yeah

  17. yes i know its kinda weird LOL!!

  18. not really ive stayed kind of skinny my whole life

  19. yeah i was kind of chubby in like middle school; i lost the weight in high school though

  20. nope!

  21. no

    im still skinny...

    but my friend likes mayo so much that as she grew....well she just got fat

  22. Yes and No.

    When I was 12 I was kinda of chubby, but not over weight.

    I didn't like my body at all at 12. I'm 14 now and love my body. After working out a lot my tummy is really flat.

  23. i use to be EXTREMELY chubby as a baby.....but after 4 years old i grew up skinny. thank god. i wouldn't be able to grow up fat.

    i work out a lot too.

  24. They called me "Thunder Thighs" when I was a baby.

    Now I'm called "freaking tiny".

    So, yes! :D

  25. No, I was pretty thin as a kid, but not crazy skinny. When I was 16-17 I got chunkier, got a butt and b***s (and stomach, lol) then I started working out and am pretty thin again (thin+athletic)

  26. hah nono nto really. i probably eat like a  fatty! i shouldn't sometimes i mean im eat ing all the time!

  27. i was like almost anorexic as a lil kid, but now im a lil chubby

  28. maybe
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