
Was anyone at NIU during the shooting?

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Shooting at Northern Illinois University 2/14/08... What happened?




  1. We don't need to ban guns. We need to let these students and their professors carry guns. Then at least we would have a deterrent. Even if people ban guns the criminals will have them, and everyone else will be even more helpless.

  2. are you crazy? stricter gun laws would make access to guns more difficult. so some random crazy student will find it harder to lay hands on a gun. it is correct that criminals will get it either way, but not a random college student depressed on valentine's day.

  3. Six dead, 5 innocent and the gunman.

    It happened 15 minutes before the class was over and a friend of my sons was in the classroom, and was shot.  But , he will be OK . Thank God. It is just not right that our children have to worry for their lives in a school setting.

  4. yet again another shooting in the USA. when is the USA going to wake up and ban guns, please do not give that its not guns that kill people or if more people had guns someone else could have killed him, wake up guns kill people and more guns means more shootings, please do not even try to say it is your right to bear arms it is the right for kids to go to school and not get shot, maybe one day the USA will wake up, stop being so scared of the big bad terrorist  your gun laws are more of a threat to your safety

  5. Well the anti gun people have had their say time try the pro gun peoples way. People would think twice if they knew someone else probably had a gun. Look at inner city schools there are almost no occurences of mass shootings/massacres. Why? Cause they know someone else is packing heat! I suppose the no firearms allowed sign would work .... ..... as a shield.

  6. To all you who speak of others being able to carry guns...ummm why? If all students carried a gun as well as faculty just imagine how many people would get hurt/die because someone got pissed off about there girlfriend cheating or 'didn't take there meds'...not a good idea at all why would you even think that would solve anything? It would just contribute to these F'ed up minds.

  7. i was there. by the grace of god i didnt step into the classroom tho i was in the hallway when the first shot was fired. I didnt see police on the seen as soon as they are saying tho I ran halfway home before we heard the sirens

  8. I was not far away but my brother was in the classroom....all the phone lines were clogged and it was hard to talk to anyone...I would never wish this experience on anyone ever.

  9. YES.....turn on your tv.

  10. Some defenseless people got shot. If only they were allowed to carry guns on campus they may have been able to end this before anybody got killed.

  11. My mom left NIU 10 min b4 shooting. gunman shot 21, killed 5

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