
Was anyone else a little bit disappointed with "Stand Up To Cancer"?

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I heard that the American Idol Top 10 was going to be on there, so I was so excited to see them, and they were never there! Also, there was also supposed to be something with the Crush kids raising money on the Stand Up To Cancer website. I was so mad that they never showed them! Does anyone know why it never showed the Top 10? Also, I thought it would be way different. They kept repeating the same thing (millions of people have cancer, we can find a cure, etc) and it was like something that would be on PBS or something. I wouldn't normally watch it, but since it said that there were going to be some of my favorite celebrities on there, I decided to watch. But my favorite celebrities were never on there! (most of the American Idol Top 10) I know it's for a good cause and everything, and I think its a good idea and everything, but was anyone else even a little disappointed?




  1. yeah and i cant beleive they didnt mention terry fox in there!!!!  I mean sure he's a canadian but whatever he's still a hero he ran across canada and raised over 22 million dollars!!!!! He even ended up dying just cause he wanted to rraise some money for cancer! i mean seriously that guy is a true hero and they didnt even bother mentioning his name anywhere

  2. I just finished watching it to it wasn't bad it was a good thing their doing. It might help many

  3. I am sorry kiddo, but you can see American Idol anytime and anywhere!  I am insulted by your inquiry and lack of compassion towards a serious topic like cancer.  Cancer affects millions and I applaud the three major stations for FINALLY doing something towards a cure for cancer.  It is not just a PBS topic.  IT IS A TOPIC FOR ALL NATIONAL STATIONS.

    As a cancer survivor, I could care less if American Idol singers did not appear and I am glad they didn't. American Idol is nowhere near as important as a disease that can kill you.    

    Get a life and get your priorities in order.

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