
Was anyone else a little ticked off at Pizza Hut discontinuing the Pzone?

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I just found out a little while ago. It was the only thing I liked at Pizza Hut. My GF offered to cook me something(I brought her the breadsticks) I thanked her and told her I could have picked up something on the way home but I chose not to. I said just let me get my whining out of my system and I will find something to eat later. That was nice of her but right now I am in my "I didnt get what I wanted so I dont want anything" phase right now. (which really sucks because I am hungry-but I wont ask

her to fix me anything cuz that just wouldnt be right) so anyway

dont you just hate it when a restaraunt puts out something that's decent and then take it away from you? ok I'm thru whiningand thats something I rarely do )




  1. No. Generally, anything having to do with food isn't a high priority on my list of things I get a little ticked off about.

  2. not really. i didn;t even get a chance to taste it.

  3. Awww!  I didn't know it was not being sold anymore! Now I'm a little ticket myself grrr

  4. Yes I'm and also my sister works at pizza hot and 85% of the people complained about not having pzone anymore

  5. i did't know they discontinued it i only tryied it once and it was good.i would like to try it again. they had about five hundred tv commercials about it you would think they would keep it.

  6. Yup I agree it sucks when you go to a restaurant to get a certain thing and they discontinue the item.

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