
Was anyone else angered by the many lies in last night's RNC speeches?

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The only person who even attempted bipartisanship last night was Huckabee. Everyone else just spewed more hateful attacks and lies about Obama. They lied about his reaching across party lines, about his leadership experience, and actually claimed he hadn't created legislation or passed anything while serving. Since these lies can be easily verified to be lies, aren't they worried about ruining their credibility?




  1. You always can find those that say facts are lies. Its like when N'sync was big and people would say they were g*y (Im not being predjudice I am making a point) and people would say no they arent and sure enough one of them was. So I say to you find one lie last night and then look and see how many answers Obama actually gave in his last speech.  

  2. One lie:

    Palin recieved more votes for major than Joe Biden got for president. Palin's tiny city of Wasilla had less than 6000 people in 2000. Joe Biden recieved nearly 80,000 votes for president.

  3. h**l as a liberal your entire life is made up of anger both real and imagined that is why most people ignore you and the "pus" buckets like you. Everything you listed is a LIE. Obama was not in attendance enough times to do all of that it is just that the democrats have added his name to bills that Obama never even has heard of.

  4. This is not a lie:  Obama has NO executive decision making experience.  You can thumbs down me all you want but it still is the truth!

  5. My, he had a lot of help with all those accomplishments. How much did HE actually do, or was it the DNC pushing his colleagues to include him to fluff his resume?

    I read this yesterday, then heard it again in Guiliani's speech. While in the Illinois state legislature, Obama voted "present" 130 times. You only vote "present" when either you can't decide, or you are withholding your opinion for political reasons (like not making a supporter mad at you). And you call this a leader?

    You Dems are floating a real rookie this year. It will become more apparent after the debates.

  6. Here is the real Sarah and what she has stood for?

    Also, I believe it was McCains Senior analyst (a women) who was poking at Hilary for not being prepared and was not ready to lead us in the face of enemy they choose a women too.  Mind you I have nothing against a women and think that all candidates will do well, however I've learned long ago to read between the lines and RNC last night gave us a whole bucket of the facts above!!  

  7. Name ONE lie. Just ONE. Please, I'm begging for it.

    Obama has NEVER authored ONE piece of legislation. NOT ONE! Everything that he says he got passed was authored by someone else and he just attached his name to it! You can verify THAT easily enough! Simply look up the legislation and look at it!

  8. u know it was all true, unlike the comments of obama, saying john mccain believed that rich is defined by ppl making over 5 mil.  u know, he knows and we all know, mccain was joking, but obama still tried to put it out there as the truth!

  9. That Obama will raise America's taxes.   He will lower taxes for more Americans than Mccain will.

    there are many more where that came from...

  10. ROFLMAO these "lies" exist on in your uneducated mind

  11. Well...I didn't hear any lies.  As far as I could see, it's all the truth.  So, give me some "facts" please...

    Besides, the 3 "lies" you list isn't enough, I want proof.  What legislation did he create?  What did he pass?  All I know is he voted "present" most of the time.  Big deal...

    He's all action.  We need someone that is actually going to do something, not just talk about it.

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