
Was anyone else here touched with the Queen's broadcast today?

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This is a link for those who didn't watch/hear it:




  1. I was surprisingly touched... This IS a time in the world when we need to start looking to help each other - our neighbours and the people all around us as opposed to trying to help a country around the world - We feel so helpless when we know there's not much we can do there except pray and contribute money - NOW Is the time to help out - As they say, Charity Begins at home...It would make you feel better too and everybody can do something to help the disadvantaged!

  2. It was somewhat dry. I heard her mention Him but she wouldn't, couldn't say His name. It's no wonder the US has had to take on the role of protector of the faith.

  3. It was touching,but I think that it strucks us more because it is Her Majesty who is saying it,I mean I think that the fact that Her Majesty is talking about unhappy people is really touching

  4. Not that I have listenened to so very many of her speeches before...I found it interesting that she even mentioned her husband and celebrating their wedding anniversary.  I felt it was really human of her to mention her own heart-felt thoughts about her own family.  O, how I wish she would mention more things that she and her husband, together, are about and things they do her love for him and why she might have fallen in love with him, how he exites her, how she might admire him. I think he's rather handsome...does she?  I am weary of him just seeming to follow behind her as a nobody if she really has some feelings for him. Why must royalty act so cardboard?  I need an answer.


  5. A very moving and compassionate message, it brought tears to my eyes

  6. She shouldn't have any problem doing that. She's the richest person in England.

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