
Was anyone else like this when they were a "teenager"?

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Did you worry about getting "life experiences"? Like the basic skills and knowledge to be able to go to the bank and "putting money into your bank account" or "filling out a tax form"? did you not know how to buy a house? How did you learn? I dropped out of school in 9th grade, so i'm not sure if they teach that in school or not. But just basic grown up things adults do when they have their own lives.

I want to get a job, but i'm scared to! Because I dont know anything about life. I have no experience! I'm worried sick about getting around in life! I plan on going to adult ed this fall to get my GED and then go to college. But I'm just worried about getting around in life. Will I learn these things in the future? Did you learn?

I'm 16 years old and I turn 17 in 2 months and I want to get a full time job but i'm worried about starting and "do people train me" and "teach me everything I need to know" or "do they just expect me to come in on the job and get to work right ahead."




  1. Im still in school, quite interesting actually as one of my class mates were saying how will we learn about those skills, i guess doing business would help, but i guess it is the way of life that as you grow older you learn more if it is from your parents,teachers or just random sources!

  2. I would write down the list of questions you have.  Then, contact a bank, your employer, etc. to ASK those questions.  It's far better to ask than it is to assume!  People love answering questions so just ask them when it comes along.  Don't worry- you're 16 there's a lot more ahead of you- you will learn with time.  Take it from a person who was TOTALLY oblivious to those things who learned them as time went on.  You'll be fine- I promise!

  3. You've already taken the first step by deciding what you want to do.  Go ahead and apply for some jobs.  They'll tell you what to do and train you if you need training.

    I have a college degree and I still need training when I start a new job because every job is different and has different procedures, especially if you don't know their computer system.

    Good for you for going for your GED.  And BTW, no, I didn't learn any of that stuff in school, just in life.

  4. I used to worry about that kind of stuff when I was a kid, but as I've gotten older I realize how silly it is. You learn all that stuff as you go along. Filling out a tax form is easy, all you have to do is follow the instructions. And to put money into your bank account all you have to do is go up to the teller and say you'd like to make a deposit. You're young, so you shouldn't worry too much. And if you ever need help, just ask your parents ;)

  5. You will be fine, all job will train you on the spot. Bank of America will tell you everything you need to know for the banking ordeal, real easy to set up and get going. As for dropping out in the 9th grade I dont understand. You seem concerned about your education so why stop it to just start it during a later, harder time in life?

  6. High school doesn't usually teach the kind of life skills you listed in your question.  Usually, it's family and friends that show you those sorts of things.  Even if you don't have family to help you out, the world is generally designed so that almost anyone that can read can get along okay.

    Go ahead and get a job.  They'll teach you everything you need to know.  Most employees assume you don't know how to do the specifics in any given job.  High school gives you lots of general knowledge that you will find very useful in the world (and you'll get this knowledge as you complete your GED), but most high school kids work before they graduate.  Any entry level job should be pretty easy.  That's why they're called entry level (and why they pay so little).  

    Good luck with your continuing education...more education will lead to better paychecks, more self-confidence and a job you really enjoy (instead of just settled for).  It'll all be worth it in the end and getting a job now is a great start!

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