
Was anyone else nervous when moving to a new school?

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i start on wednesday as a junior at some new school and i'm terrified ! :/




  1. I've been the new kid 3 times. Its really awkward, but you'll make it through. I can't remember the first time because I was only in 7th grade, but the second time I remember that I was standing in the lobby.. and I had no clue at all who anyone was. Everyone was screaming because they were so happy to see their friends, and I felt really lonely. I met someone with the same name as me, and I was glad to finally have someone to hang out with. Then she got on my nerves and I started sitting with someone I had seen in a couple of my classes, and eventually we got to know eachother and we're best friends. And the third time was nice because my family moved in may so I met some of the kids on my new bus, and they were in my neighborhood, and I made friends with them which was nice so we could walk to eachothers houses and stuff.

    Good luck at school, hope you make some nice friends.

  2. Well if its the first day of school at a new place there's a good chance that you won't be the only new kid in the class. First off act calm and unworried if possible. Kids/teens are like sharks if they sent blood they'll be all over you in this case the "blood" is fear/worry. Next greet a girl/guy that seems to be popular or at least in the "in crowd/tolerated" if you get even one on your side you won't be chewed up and spat out at least until they have a fairly good idea of your personality, plus it shows that your confident enough to talk to just about anyone. As for clothing if your school doesn't have a uniform stick with jeans and a hoody can't go wrong with either, at least until you see what everyone else is wearing. Good luck.

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