
Was anyone else pleasantly surprised that all Stanley Cup Finals games this years are evening games?

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Yay! No afternoon games! Woo hoo!

But it would suck to be in the Maritimes and Newfoundland if it goes into OT and you are a hockey fan. ROFL




  1. Thank god. After an afternoon game is over I feel like I have nothing else to look forward to.

  2. More than happy! I dont like day games, I do not think it is as good of hockey, just my take. Plus I can work during the day and make a boatload of cash and drink it during the games at night.

  3. I prefer the evening games too. Lets me get my honey- do list done on the weekend days.

  4. i live in the west coast, so you could say that the games start in "the afternoon", since i don't consider 5:00 pm evening time.

  5. I always prefer the night games myself

  6. Very nice, it's hard to go do something in the yard after the "matinee" game.  Hockey has always been an evening game.  True about the diff in time zones, but you know, if I were in frickin Moscow, i'd be up drinkin Vodka Watchin' at any hour!

    I live for this sh*t, it's the GREATEST!!!



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