
Was anyone else rolling on the floor with laughter when Palin said she "stood up to big oil" during the...?

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  1. She is full of c**p , she has been caught so many times with stuff she has said that it is crazy, like saying what does a VP do , I don't even know what VP does. To funny  

  2. I was torn between amusement and amazement at the tall tales she was telling.

    "thanks, but no thanks"...  No wonder they won't let her be interviewed.

  3. I, for one, was nauseated by that blatant lie!  She is a m.i.l.f. but I'll be damned if I want her for v.p.

  4. No. She did.

  5. LOL. Her husband works in big oil.

  6. Most definitely. I mean her husband is Big Oil. Did you also see when they interviewed her sister or sister in-law and they had just opened up a gas station of all

    Drill baby drill, isn't that her motto. This whole thing is a fiasco. The Reps should be tarred and feathered. Really.

  7. I wonder how many shares she or her husband or both own in "big oil"?

    There IS a reason she wants to drill every drop out of Alaska.

  8. Aren't you sissy liberals done slamming her yet? What was Obama doing when he was 17 years old? Wake up.

  9. Palin has strongly promoted oil and natural gas resource development in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), where such development has been the subject of a national debate.[47] She also helped pass a tax increase on oil company profits. Palin has followed through on plans to create a new sub-cabinet group of advisers to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Alaska.[48][49]

    If you would stop bashing her long enough and read about what she has done as govenor you might find out why 80% of the people who know her approve of her politics.  

  10. Big Oil?  She's in Alaska, she stood up to Amir at the gas station.

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