
Was anyone else to disgusted to sit through Romney's Speech?

by Guest62091  |  earlier

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My god, is Romney an idiot? That is one of the worst speeches I have ever seen.

He is hammering liberals, fine. However, He says McCain will bring change from our over bearing liberal government, our current government is Republican and is the incumbent. So what was he babbling about?

He slammed liberals for wanting to increase taxes. What does he want to do about the $30, 000 per person in the US? Borrow more money? That is how Palin bankrupted the town she was mayor of. And Bush bankrupted this country.

Is intolerance a family value? According to Romney yes. He slammed homosexuality in his speech.

Is it just more or was that speech disgusting?




  1. Congress is democratic my friend, and you can't tax your way to prosperity. Think about it.

  2. Romney has always been a weak link. The party knows it and avoids him, only fringe and neo Republicans go near him. But he is all McCain can muster.

  3. The entire process is disgusting.  

    So I'm Anti-American if I don't vote Republican?

    The whole speech was the usual Republican rhetoric and B.S.

    You're right we are $9 trillion in the hole and the Republicans don't have a clue how to get out of it except by continuing the policies that got us there in the first place.

    The liberal part really pissed me off. How the h**l can the Republicans run the country into the ground and then try to blame Liberals for the mess?

    Liberals didn't gut the Federal reserve and relax banking regulations clearing the way for the mortgage meltdown. Liberals didn't foolishly spend us into the ground and Liberals certainly didn't jack up the FDA clearing the way for dangerous drugs, lead tainted imports and poison  food. Salmonella, Beef recalls and Vioxx leap to mind. Liberals sure as h**l didn't exponentially increase the size of government without the tax base to support it.

    Those guys have a lot of nerve pulling this c**p and expecting Americans to be dumb enough to fall for it. But Bush did cut the education budget among other things didn't he?  

    Don't forget the response to Katrina. What is the purpose of National Security if our own government is killing us? I'm sick of them already.

  4. Who forced you to sit through it? I'm not even watching any of it. Because I already know what they're going to do, they're going to lie their asses off and attack other people instead of saying what they're going to do to make things better.

  5. The Democrats did a bunch of their own bashing at the DNC so I don't think it's fair to point a finger.  This is part of it or hate it, this is many times part of speeches -- with both parties

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